DIY: Switchblade Key


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Middle America
Yikes. Yeah, like I said I guess I just got lucky with mine. Went to the dealer on a Saturday at like 2 or 3 and he did it all for free. :\


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Middle America
I just finished mine! A word of advice to those that want to try it. Get the key blade cut at a locksmith who specializes in automotive keys! I went to a regular locksmith, and they almost destroyed the key blade! Not only do the automotive locksmiths know better what they're doing, they may even do what they did for me and sell me a transponder chip for $15! (He had a chip without a key laying around, and it totally worked!)



Not sure how I missed it the first time but that red H totally looks awesome! Mine came with a black/plain one. Kinda jealous. Lol.

Apparently there's been some confusion/an issue on the Facebook page. I guess some of the uncut switchblades literally come blank, with no groove and apparently that's an issue for some dealers...?? I don't know anything about that. I don't recall if my uncut blade had a groove or not. I wanna say it didn't but I can't remember for sure. In either case, remember-- it's best to open the blade fob, remove the uncut blade, and take THAT to your dealer/key cutter. Handing them your VIN and the whole switchblade is liable to confuse them or make them mad since they'll either have to open the fob or work around the fob body. Remember, you're trying to get this done for as cheap as possible. The easier their job is, the less they'll probably charge you, lol.

I'm not on the forums too often but I'm usually on the Facebook page so if no replies are seen here, post on the Facebook page and I'll be happy to answer any questions.