Search results

  1. J

    S2K Steering Wheel Install

    If it doesn't come with a hub, which hub should I look into buying?
  2. J

    S2K Steering Wheel Install

    Thank you. I'm going to see if I can find a relative good deal around my area on CL, and even on eBay. I'll update once I purchase it.
  3. J

    S2K Steering Wheel Install

    I have looked into an RSX, and even an EP3 wheel, but I like the S2K one. I did see the thread, selling it for $200. I'm sure it is sold by now seeing there were a lot that posted on there. YES! I'm from Chicago. I haven't really been able to do anything to my stock Accord thanks to college...
  4. J

    S2K Steering Wheel Install

    This has been biting at me the whole day..I've searched throughout the forum and the closest I found to an S2K Steering Wheel Install was this great DIY ...however, what would I need on the side if I do purchase an S2K Steering Wheel? I...
  5. J

    FS: Read f/s rules

    Edited by B/N Please read the F/S rules.