SEV Head Balancer (engine performance enhancer)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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(Alright, everyone. You might wanna grab some popcorn. :haysm9:)

This guy got into my attention. Let's see what this guy is made out of.

Lol, yeah, bunch of BS. I don't need to try that.

It reduces friction between moving parts- No, it's stuck on with tape like an APC hood scoop.
It controls heat- No, heat must go somewhere, 1st law of thermodynamics, again it's held on with tape

Nano technology :ROFL: I don't care what you make a sticker out of, it's still a sticker. You just bought some peel & stick snake oil.

Hey, I've got this R logo. Made of special plastic. Stick it to the front of your hood, cuts wind drag. Nanobots, micro-turbulence, all kinds of sciencey gibberish. I'll make a sweet deal, $200. LMK

Let's get this thing straight. All products of SEV aren't imported easily in U.S. This thread is by far one of the few and rare places in the world outside of Japan for automobile enthusiasts to gain knowledge or recognize their products.

My mission on this thread is to introduce, inform, test, and report my feedback of what I have thought / felt as detailed as possible. If I couldn't notice any noticeable difference, I would have simply concluded "Not happening."

On top of that, me being multilingual, my mission on 6GA is to bridge the language barrier between Japanese and English, in a way that I can contribute myself to help others and/or provide interesting information to non-Japanese-speaking automobile enthusiasts.

Sometimes it takes me a while to post a descriptive composition like the OP on this thread with my bad English, but it's not such a pain if I think that there could be someone out there that appreciate my effort.

I just happened to read the FORMAT / RULES for Product Reviews for the first time.


1. Do not make a new thread for a product if one already exists.
Add your review to current reviews. I.E., if someone else already posted a review for Meguiar's Scratch X, post in that thread rather than create your own.

2. Vendors are not allowed to post reviews for their own products, OR flame any members for their reviews.

3. Do NOT review any tires in this forum. There is a Tire Review Sticky in the Wheels/Suspension/Tires forum.

4. This is NOT a for sale forum.

5. Keep comments to a bare minimum. This forum is more for reading than posting to say "good stuff" or anything like that. The only posts should be ones that follow the above format OR contribute to a discussion about the product. Absolutely no threadjacking.

While not a rule, lastly, be appreciative of the product reviews. Just like user-posted DIYs, show appreciation for people who take the time to add product reviews and bump their reputation up a little.

I see majority of 6GA members are nice and ethical that many of them don't really need to be careful about the rules to qualify their posts. But you seem to become too excited, when it comes to an argument, and cross the borderline.

Don't you even have a sense of shame when you dis someone? Can't you expect the consequences of being a douche? Why are you so excited to prove it's BS while you haven't even tried it nonetheless? Did you have a bad experience with PNP products or adhesives?

I had hoped for this thread to be helpful / interesting to others. Unfortunately, not only you contaminated this thread by throwing out an false image of the product (btw, that broken video clip--what was that all about? Is that your way of threadjacking?), but you have also disgraced me, the brand, and 6GA.

Let me tell you this. "Telling your honesty" is not always a wise decision. I'm only going to ask you once:

Try to be nice and respect other people.

Until then, many others and I will categorize you as "one of those typical cocky guys" who like to prove themselves that they're always right and better than the others. (Ironically, they don't realize themselves being annoying.)

Keep in mind that the more you argue with me, the more you dig your own grave. And don't even bother yourself to backup your theory of this product being BS on this thread b/c you won't make much sense unless you try the product.

Here is the simple solution: (and yet it's a very difficult thing for typical cocky guys to do so) Is to simply apologize for your previous posts. Then I'll happily forgive you and there will be peace between you and me who share a common interest--6GA. If you can, that's great and I'll respect that. If you can't, GL w/ whatever obstacles you may have in your life by poor attitude of yours.

Dear mods,
Instead of PM, I have decided to post this here to let everyone know:
 1) that their product is hard to be recognized in U.S.
 2) what my mission is on 6GA
 3) the importance of having the commonsense to respect others

When/if this issue is solved, I will move my comments to OP, and delete unnecessary comments that do not relate to the topic.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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Tampa Bay
(Alright, everyone. You might wanna grab some popcorn. :haysm9:)

This guy got into my attention. Let's see what this guy is made out of.

:jerkit: If you think I'm 'dissing' anyone...well, I guess that's your problem. I'm just pointing out what should be obvious to anyone who has ever worked on an engine.

On top of that, me being multilingual,

Then how about a better translation from the SEV website?

Here's why the SEV 'balancer' can do nothing:

Suck, Squish, Bang, Blow
It doesn't make the bang bigger.

I'll try to explain that more without being longwinded, but bear with me.

You make the bang bigger by burning more fuel.

You burn more fuel by bringing in more air.

You can bring in more air by:

1) reducing the restriction to the air flow in (intakes, bigger TB, cam)

2) reducing restriction to the air flowing out (headers, exhaust, cam)

3) forcing it in (with super/turbo chargers, or fluid harmonics ie: tuned headers/cams/intake manifolds)

4) increasing the oxygen content of the air (colder = denser, or N2O)

One of the claims was that it reduces friction. Friction is a function of surface area, pressure, and the coefficient of friction (think sand paper vs glass).

1) It does not reduce the surface area between parts.

2) It does not reduce the pressure between parts

3) It does not decrease the coefficient of friction between parts.

Just in case you try to argue this route....

Inside of an engine, the idea is that pretty much that everything 'floats' on a thin film of oil. To prove this, drain your oil, start the engine. Count how many seconds it keeps running. This makes friction calculation a little more complex, because now it involves fluids, BUT we can skip all that because:

4) It does not change the physical properties of the oil.

It also said something about heat, I think, but the fact is that engines run on heat. You burn the fuel to heat the air. The air being heated causes it to expand, that's the bang, and that's what moves the piston. Pressure on top of the piston is turned into torque by the crankshaft.

1) it doesn't make the air expand more

2) it doesn't make the crank throw longer

3) it doesn't make the piston bigger

Soooo any performance gains you 'felt' were likely only due to the weight reduction of your wallet. :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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:jerkit: If you think I'm 'dissing' anyone...well, I guess that's your problem. I'm just pointing out what should be obvious to anyone who has ever worked on an engine.
Oh, you're back. I thought you are long gone.

So you are "one of those" cocky ppl who think you're always right. I gave you a chance to make peace out of it, but I guess not.

Then how about a better translation from the SEV website?
Why don't you read my post one more time:
Sometimes it takes me a while to post a descriptive composition like the OP on this thread with my bad English, but it's not such a pain if I think that there could be someone out there that appreciate my effort.
What, translate it for YOU? You have failed to realize that you stepped across a line, son. Well, maybe I could do it for you if you pay me then. Short on cash? Sell your R logo. I'll make a sweet deal, $200. LMK

Here's why the SEV 'balancer' can do nothing:

Suck, Squish, Bang, Blow
It doesn't make the bang bigger.

I'll try to explain that more without being longwinded, but bear with me.

You make the bang bigger by burning more fuel.

You burn more fuel by bringing in more air.

You can bring in more air by:

1) reducing the restriction to the air flow in (intakes, bigger TB, cam)

2) reducing restriction to the air flowing out (headers, exhaust, cam)

3) forcing it in (with super/turbo chargers, or fluid harmonics ie: tuned headers/cams/intake manifolds)

4) increasing the oxygen content of the air (colder = denser, or N2O)

One of the claims was that it reduces friction. Friction is a function of surface area, pressure, and the coefficient of friction (think sand paper vs glass).

1) It does not reduce the surface area between parts.

2) It does not reduce the pressure between parts

3) It does not decrease the coefficient of friction between parts.

Just in case you try to argue this route....

Inside of an engine, the idea is that pretty much that everything 'floats' on a thin film of oil. To prove this, drain your oil, start the engine. Count how many seconds it keeps running. This makes friction calculation a little more complex, because now it involves fluids, BUT we can skip all that because:

4) It does not change the physical properties of the oil.

It also said something about heat, I think, but the fact is that engines run on heat. You burn the fuel to heat the air. The air being heated causes it to expand, that's the bang, and that's what moves the piston. Pressure on top of the piston is turned into torque by the crankshaft.

1) it doesn't make the air expand more

2) it doesn't make the crank throw longer

3) it doesn't make the piston bigger
Okay, so what? You're just telling me how an engine works. We (viewers of this review thread) don't need to know how much you know how an engine works. You think your post is staying on a course as Chris wants it to be? Not even a bit. Why don't you read my post one more time:
Keep in mind that the more you argue with me, the more you dig your own grave. And don't even bother yourself to backup your theory of this product being BS on this thread b/c you won't make much sense unless you try the product.

Soooo any performance gains you 'felt' were likely only due to the weight reduction of your wallet. :thumbup:
Is that your best shot you could come up with to argue with me? What a joke...

Review threads are there for people to feel comfortable with spending their hard-earned money on products they purchase beforehand. It's all about what suits who to avoid having buyer's remorse. I, myself (the user of the product) happened to experience and concluded that the money I spent was worth it. Now, who in the world is going to believe you it's BS just because you just simply BELIEVE so? What is the point of you arguing with a firsthand opinion--mine?

Just in case you try to argue this route...
I see that you really like to argue with someone. Well like I said, this ain't the right place for you to argue in the first place. Would you want me to tell you one.. more.. time? If you want to argue / discuss what you want to BS, go somewhere else because you were not welcome ever since you posted your first comment with your domineering attitude.

And stop wasting my time and my thread.


To others who are interested in SEV products:

SEV (Safty Ecology Value) is not only for automobile parts, but they're also applied for human activities, such sports (i.e. golf clubs, bracelets for athletes, belts for auto racing mechanics, etc.)

For automobile racing scene, SEV has grown to have partnerships with 7 racing teams in SUPER GT & SUPER FORMULA. SEV items are used among drivers and pit crews, and some of SEV's automobile items are used on the actual race cars. (I.e. "SEV Fuel Charge" on McLaren MP4-12C GT3) Here is the link that talks about it:

↓(Google translation isn't so fine so I'll translate it if needed / when I have an ample amount of time. :))

They say that they're going to build a partnership with MUGEN this year!

And this is just a pic I found it randomly.
Last edited:


IS300 SX > Accord
Dec 27, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Are you high?

He gave you every explanation as to why it cannot work. Physically. Which is why he explained how an engine can make more power.

You're ignoring that by basically saying 'you don't know until you try it'. Sometimes things don't need to be tried for one to know they won't work. It doesn't mean all of SEV's products are bad it just means this particular one is BS.

Or did I just cross a line too?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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Tampa Bay
They say that they're going to build a partnership with MUGEN this year!

Partnership means that they pay a few thousand $$ (really, probably much much more) to have the sticker on the car. That is all.