Can we make venor posting rules?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
East Bay, CA
This is in response to this thread-

I really think we should have rules to these things. Most forums who let vendors post freely really go down hill. From my experience with other forums, vendors are either not allowed to post at all, or can only post new products and can give install advice, etc, BUT ONLY WHEN ASKED. Many times they actually have to advertise on the site, ie pay money, that really doesn't matter.

In this thread, the product in question was in no way a review of the part. It was mearly an explaination of his day. The thread quickly turned sour when the vendor stepped in. I feel if i did buy this particular product that i would have to give it a very good review if i did want to post, or get into a debate. I do not blame the vendor, but i don't think it's a positive thing at all.

Vendor posts make the forum a living advertisement. They make it hard for you to see the product from the view of the consumer (the important view :D ) and are just plain overbearing many times.

We obviously don't have a problem with this in a day to day thing. But why not stop it before it gets bad.


Superman, uh mod
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Bergen County, NJ
It's currently under discussion.
So to prevent furthur discussion, I'll have to close this one also.

But you still get a post added to your post account :thumbsup:


Read the rules
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA
give a look at this thread, which was just added:


3. While sellers can respond to threads about their products or services to try and explain a situation, arguing with customers WILL NOT be tolerated here. Your reputation as a seller on this site is directly related to the reviews other members will inevitably post about you. If you respond to a member's review to argue with them or demean them, you will be warned. If it happens repeatedly, you will lose your priviliges to post group buys & vendor threads on this forum.

If people do not accept your explanation, deal with it. If you hope to be a respectable business, you're better off apologizing to whoever is unsatisfied and offer to remedy the solution. If you have already done that, or tried to, and the problem still persists, leave it at that and move on. We don't take fondly to people saying the same things over and over here.

you can reply to this thread, but please do not make any references to the other thread or it will quickly be closed again. I would however like to know how everyone feels about the new rule additions.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
East Bay, CA
Thank you guys. I'm glad this is something that concerns you as well

3. While sellers can respond to threads about their products or services to try and explain a situation, arguing with customers WILL NOT be tolerated here. Your reputation as a seller on this site is directly related to the reviews other members will inevitably post about you. If you respond to a member's review to argue with them or demean them, you will be warned. If it happens repeatedly, you will lose your priviliges to post group buys & vendor threads on this forum.

Very nice. I think if these rules are followed it will be great. I'm am all for vendors stepping into help people, explain why an install is not correct. I am not OK with venders defending their product when somebody states their own claim of quality, fitment, etc. On other boards where this is allowed, it pretty much ruins the forum. THis forum is about the consumer, the members. The vendors obviously play a strong role in the build up of our cars. But the community is ultimately the people we should listen to, personal experiences.

Anyway, i'm glad you guys are on the same page :thumbsup:


The Orange Skittle
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
I wouldn't say he is a vendor, and shouldn't post like that..he has been on many other boards, had an accord, he is a vet...i am perfectly fine with him posting esp for what was going on..his craftmenship was being questioned and he had to explain what was going on..Especially since he has such a large following on the sites...almost all of the retros on this site were done by him..


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
East Bay, CA
00accord-To me, that post was more of a sign of what is to come in the future, that's why i put this up. I don't want to single him out, espcially because from what i get, there where no rules against this.

In that situation however, the quality of the lights were not an important part of the thread. Not only that, the vendor is not the one who we want to hear tell us the quality of a product.

Look at it this way. Lets say you were buying a set of speakers. Who would you trust more if you asked about "Polk Audio" (just throwing a name out). Would you want to hear people who purchanced them, or from "Polk Audio" in reguards to how they will sound?

Second, it's free advertizing, and advertising where you can make higher claims of your product than another medium.

Anyway, this isn't so much about that thread. To me, it's about the threads that would reoccur with no rules.

Luckily our lovely admin took care of it :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
i can't believe how diplomatic, mature, political, and productive we are when it comes to this. is like it's own country.
we have laws.
time changes.
laws need to be changed.
the people want change.
the leaders change it.

we're like a third world country or something.