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  • It's a little early on that one but im sure there will be last year the caravan was like 3 cars and I met them on the highway.. Everyone stopped to get gas and stretch and then we took off to meet up with people from like mass ct etc.. Its a pretty organized caravan
    Ya I'm going to be going. I am helping Justin and Kevin set it up this year.ya if your in the cb that's fine.. It doesn't really matter what car you drive it's all just in good fun... I am trying to get my friend with a e92 m3 that's supercharged..
    It goes basically Friday to Sunday... You spend Friday going to the hotel.. We all meet up hang out wait for everyone.. Last year we went out to dinner and partied that night. Saturday we do the show/cruise the Saturday we party again.. Sunday usually we go to breakfast.. Or try too I was way to hungover for it last year.. An then we drive home.. They are thinking either in western ny or somewhere in ct so it's not to far

    And it wasn't me driving my accord hasn't moved in weeks
    sorry i just saw you write bout canam on ace's wall. i went last year it was amazing. it was so much fun everyone on here is really cool and we had a good time. i would highly recommend going. and this year it will in the us so you dont have to worry about a passport or anything
    its a huge meet that they usually do in canada and i didnt go i work full time so i cant go on such a road trip also this year may not be in canada depending where it is ill try to go
    he has a v6? or i4? btw i saw ur convo with that other guy bout the h22 tranny yea it should fit lots of members have h22 tranny u can swap over some of the 5spd stuff u already have i believe from ur cb to the cg ....tell ur bro not to deal with the auto tranny once it goes bad it will always go bad .....
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