oh i was askin about the corner light how it is blacked out...i have a paint gun so il be good with that then using a can not so worroed about the yellow tho but on the diy i found they didnt black out the corner like yours and thats wat i wanted to know how u did em if u can help thanks....got the whole week off suprisingly i work at disneyland and its summertime so i gotta find sumthin to do for the week lol
hahaha...thanks for the compliment.....i did em myself...jus follwed the DIY in the forum really....if ur askin about the yellow part...its actually paint.....krylon stained glass paint i got at michaels...i jus masked off the rest of the housing and painted it yellow......those are my old lights though...i got rid of em and got new ones...i havent posted pics yet...if u want more detail help let me know and il find u the link