i wouldnt use hot glueee. hot glue doesnt have a very strong bond. youd be able to break it off easily. i used super glue cuz its cheap, dries quickly, strong bond. the dollar store over here sells it lol
dang that fabric price is nice! what i did was sprayed the cloth, and sprayed the glovebox. stuck em together, then super glued the edges. worked out great
dang how so cheap? my secret to cheap spray was the local craft store. im sure u have one near you. its called michaels. they have coupons for 40% off a regular priced item. the spray was only like 8 bucks reg price. i trusted it would work cuz it was made by krylon lol
nahh i dont have too many pics. maybe when i get more of my interior done i will. but yeah i feel ya, im pretty cheap. i got my spray adhesive for like 4 bucks! and the cloth was only like 10 bucks a yard!