i lie, never mind, a repitable magazine i read says it does nada, no gains/ loses, sorry i doubted you and everyone else, but ill follow through with Spectre and K&N intake maybe look into the forced induction or w.e its called..
and the thread got locked... lol, but i did find a review forum not related to tornado fuel saver directly, and most of the people that are downing it haven't tried it... so i think i will give it a shot when i get license back... but get it from a site with a 30day return policy if it isnt helpping...
to be honest with you, id personnally rather test it myself for gains... i already know my car averages 28-30 so it wouldnt be hard for me to test it. and if it doesnt work, return it saying i had no benefit, or egay the thing lol
its $70.00 part before shipping and it doesnt change per size needed, the I4, V6, and aftermarket 3" intakes all cost that price just wish there site wasnt incomplete so i could look into shipping costs...
idk if this is thevelocity stack your refering to, but when wehad a 91 f150 my dad was gunna put this in his truck, but it was outta his price range cause he had to buy 2of them for some reason... but heres the link http://www.tornadoair.com/buy1/
they have it for the stock intake boxes as well as after market intakes