think i should try out the prokit on the stock shocks or is that gonna be a recipe for disaster. the guy i got them off of said he ran his for like 40000miles on the stock ones and didnt have an issue
the badge i ordered was actually too small but when i took the original badge off the black piece was able to be separated so i just spray painted that red. win. and the other badge that was too small is now a belt buckle. even more win
i saw joo get my car lol shoulda came in. spoiler came today and springs are supposed to be here tues. guess i gotta get shocks now. and oh yeah your drop looks like sex
i really think im going to pick up your springs. i just dont know about shocks? if i have to do shocks i dont want to spend the money but if i can just do the springs i think im in. i just need someone to let me know if they are going to blow because they have so many miles