Old soul wasn't wrong.. The issue is that people are crippled AF now anyways, so they are crutched the fu out on different aids and technology. Severe brain rot. Nice build, coming along great!
I really wanted to edit the first post, but cannot find the Edit Post button with this new format.. a lot has changed. Any ideas guys?
Never went through with the prior Skyline because again it didn't have paperwork and I had to get my money back..
Third time was a charm, found one locally...
Pasting from the first page, this is what I used to make mine work back in the day:
Civic : OEM
Black : Black
Red (with orange stripe) : Orange
N/A (since it's combined with black/red) : Blue
Black/red : Black/red
Red : Red
You shouldn't really need more than that, some...
Welcome! I've always wondered if 6thgen being a '6th' gen, was a curse, but after many years of 6thgen worship, I found out that it's really a blessing :)
I don't convey any significance to 6-cubed in a negative light, and I also like the number 13 as well as black cats crossing my road, some...
Re: ★ CROWER RODS/CP PISTONS Russianred's Turbo & Performance Parts Thread|Updated: 7
Like Craigslist.. If it's posted I have it ;). Are you seriously interested, or were just wondering because you are exploring potential avenues??
You're just over the state line from me, not far at all..
Re: ★ Russianred's 1991 Nissan Skyline GT-R ★
I appreciate the feedback guys, check page 1 for the latest turn of events.. Straight proof that things always turn out for the better.
Now gotta finalize the decision on paint..
Mike, does your friend have a thread somewhere to his build? These...
I see the benefits of this for commercial use, but with lowered cars and the fact that it is either on or off.... I would never trust such a margin of error for something under the car, which has at stake the life juice of our engines. If in the one-millionth chance that it opens when...
Read this 7 times before asking for advice. It is the #1 all-inclusive guide to a stage 1 turbo build. NO FMU! Get a real engine management system ;)
As a devil's advocate, I personally have the OBX one in the link you sent, and have reinforced the flange and support welds. I'm expecting a good outcome, and will let you know when it's actually performing. It may be a bit lmao, go with the treadstone one for a stage 1 build. If you can find...
^ That's a really technical consideration, I like it. Akoutmos would be a huge fan of that too. Physics is Physics - how far you push it affects how much it affects you, thus how much you care. Not everyone is a track racer, a lot are simply street ricers :hihi:.
Same bullsh1t as plasti-dip. Sorry to hear the outcome after the fact, but hey at least you have new wrap going on! It looked mighty sharp in that blue John.
Nice car, but high price. Even MikeyMike sold his fully build 3.2 SC coupe for around $6000 I think, which was WAY better than this one, hands down. This is geared for a collector, but the seller should probably wait a few more years :karate:
Re: DetailedByPrecision: High End Detailing, Paint Correction& Paint Coating. SF Bay
+1 ^ Interested in seeing your opinion Lemmy, how does that work if more is added, or does it even work? Fantastic result.. Gives true meaning to: 'That'll buff out!' :).