Search results

  1. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Power steering started going. Pump’s had a slow leak since I bought it. Don’t have the money or gumption to replace it so I just bought a few quarts of Honda fluid and a suction pump and just did a reverse drain & fill. Lol. Sucked out the reservoir, filled it with fresh, ran the wheel lock to...
  2. Mikey

    Power Steering Fluid??

    Not knowing if the previous owner cheaped out and put regular fluid in or if they went all out and put the good Honda stuff in… what should I put in? Will it hurt anything to use the “regular” stuff? Not changing/replacing/draining anything. Just topping off.
  3. Mikey

    AC Compressor Differences/Issue???

    Had a 2001 v6 coupe. All factory AC parts. Bought a 2001 v6 sedan. Needed compressor, drier, condenser, etc. Bought a compressor from O’reillys and a compressor from RockAuto. Was told by the shop that neither would work due to some special manifold needed on the compressor that wasn’t on...
  4. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    You’re talking about the “Patrick star” wheels, right? Like this? I’m *AT LEAST* 600 miles from Michigan so even if you gave me the wheels for free I’d still spend a few hundred bucks (and 2 days) in gas. Assuming they were free… I’d be down for a road trip
  5. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Lowering it is probably on the list. Nothing aggressive. Just a functional low. They need a 60 size tire to help fill the gap. I really want some UA7 TL waffles, UA7 base wheels, or UA5 fat fives. Or find some better wheels for the GFs Camry so I can take my civic wheels back lol. I also...
  6. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    I did. Specs are 205/50/16. Stocks are “supposed to be” 205/65/15, so… quite a big difference. Especially up around 80 They’re 16s and I love the look but they need a taller tire. Le sigh…
  7. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Found a guy selling a set of TL 5-spokes but they’re rashed all to hell. He only wants $225 but still… Found another guy selling some prelude blades.. Wants $300. Wheels are in pretty decent shape and 3/4 tires are nearly new and the 4th isn’t too bad. If I remember correctly they’re 5x114...
  8. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Well… now I know lol. Buddy of mine has a 1G or 2G and I never really noticed how similar they are to the Camry of that era (2012-2017). Need to get on that! Shouldn’t be too terrible a job. At least I wouldn’t think it would be. Worst case a shop does that and won’t charge you an arm and a...
  9. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    If it were a dedicated project car and not the car I drive to work, I’d take my time and not give a ****. But it’s not. So I won’t. lol. I always use superbrightleds for what kind of bulb. I guess it depends on the stack but that could be fun. At least it’s the ody so you can sit in comfort and...
  10. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    :lawl: :uhoh2: THERE ARE NO MATCHING HEADRESTS!! At least I don’t think there are…. And I just said f*ck it. I fought with bolts, and clips, and plugs, and the damn drain plug for so long that I’m just gonna take it to a shop. I’m too old and out of shape to mess with THAT particular job. I...
  11. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    No word from the co-worker. Regardless, pretty positive my leak is the VTEC solenoid. I have all 3 gaskets to do it, the filter housing, and the sensor. Gotta procure a filter and oil. Getting OEM filter from Honda and going with Mobil 1 High Mileage 5w30. We carry 5w30 at work but it’s not...
  12. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Low fuel light hasn’t worked since day one but no surprise. My coupe’s light quit after like 5 or 6 years of MY ownership. Saw someone on one of the Facebook pages just swap in a new sending unit and it fixed it. They’re less than $20 and not that difficult to do so I may add that to my list as...
  13. Mikey

    2000 accord 3.0 coupe, another repair!

    You have auto UP…?
  14. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Did I mention the red lug nuts? A little more ricer to add in, lol. It’s subtle but I like it. I think brakes and rotors may also be on the list.
  15. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Current mileage: 163,229. Right headlight looks to be aimed okay but the left one is too high. Hoping they have more adjustability than the previous set and I don’t have to live with blinding people all the time. Still wanna find the DOB of this one. I knew what my coupe’s was but I can’t...
  16. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    I thought about those four bolts but was sure. I’ll look into that. Thanks. Yeah, I should’ve taken more time or asked more questions. The hood and bumper are definitely aftermarket. One or both of the front fender liners are replacements as were the headlights that were in it. There was/is...
  17. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Wingless trunk still going strong. I feel like I heard or read somewhere that some sort of adjusting or adjustment can be made to something somewhere to help close the body lines/gap?? IDK. Picked up a “genuine” red “H” for the trunk. Looks a little ricer. I love it! Picked up blacked house...
  18. Mikey

    Having trouble editing posts...?

  19. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Wingless trunk acquired. Scratch that. Wingless trunk INSTALLED :rock: The clear is failing on it pretty bad so I wasn’t sure at first how I’d feel about it but I’ve gotten a couple of distant views of it in the sunlight and I’m not even sorry. It looks SOO much better without the spoiler. I...
  20. Mikey

    Word! Something changed and we can no longer edit OPs in threads.

    Word! Something changed and we can no longer edit OPs in threads.
  21. Mikey

    Boshi's SSM 2001 Accord Sedan LX

    ME FREAKING TOO!!! Boshi, your old black sedan is definitely giving me some inspiration for real. New one looks good with those wheels and the drop.
  22. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    I found my Bluetooth cassette so I’m ticking that now. And not a moment too soon as my 24/7 Christmas music channel is about to drop Standard housings, I’d say either. LEDs are probably “better” on the eyes but both suck for oncoming drivers. Try to find a good set of retros and go LED...
  23. Mikey

    Having trouble editing posts...?

    Made a new MRT last year and was able to edit the OP for like a week. Now I can't edit it or any of my "older" posts. Any insight or anyone else experiencing this? Having the issue on my phone AND on PC.
  24. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Absolutely hate that the 0102 V6 sedans got 15s while the other V6s got 16s… Anyway, OEM specs for the 15s are 205/65/15; that size sucks and I couldn’t find anything decent in that size so I went with a 205/60/15 General Altimax RT43. Good reviews for a nice, middle-of-the-road A/S and they...
  25. Mikey

    Mikey's 2001 Sedan EX

    Uhhhh…. No idea, lol. I’m gonna say probably not. It’s smaller than I expected but I think the trunk spoiler takes away from it some. Getting a wingless truck *should* make it a little more pronounced IMO. Hopped out this morning and my brake lights were stuck on. Sure enough, plastic pieces on...