Just looking for a deep toned exhaust (like everyone else is saying) and possibly straight pipe it? The Subaru "rumble" sound is mainly from the boxer engine and unequal headers. I had a '12 WRX.
So my friend completely broke my rear-view mirror off my windshield. I've tried to use the mirror glue they sell at Autozone and auto stores, all those fail to work because the glass is just completely broken where the mirror goes into place. Do I have to get a completely new windshield to fix...
^ I've did the same exact things as posted above. I've learned to ignore it, but ignoring it won't help because I have to renew my registration and get my car smogged before March.
That doesn't sound very safe, haha. Also, the people at the ref station I'm taking my car to are very thorough when they evaluate cars so I think they'd notice something like that.
I was recently pulled over and given a fix it ticket for my exhaust. I have a GReddy Evo2 exhaust. Do I have the option to just go to the CHP office and try and get it signed off with the exhaust on? I read around that you can have a modified exhaust in California as long as it doesn't break...
I just got my upper control arm and upper ball joint replaced and now when I'm driving and coming to a stop there's a loud squeaking screeching sound. I'm not sure what it is, but it's obnoxious and annoying.
Most likely your CV Axle. I've had this issue twice with my car and it has turned out to be my CV axle both times. It doesn't hurt to check it out yourself.
So yeah, picture explains itself. It's not the scratches I'm worried about. I buffed it all out. It's the fact that there's little dents all along the door and rear fender. How much would it cost to get it fixed? Someone hit my car while it was parked so there's not much I can do for that.
I have a 1998 EX Coupe with 95k Original miles. It needs maintenance very soon. (Timing belt, transmission, AC hoses, brakes, rotors, etc) But from what I'm concerned 95k miles is still very little compared to a lot of people here.
Thank you, let me know what you end up doing because I still haven't fixed mine. I've been doing some research too, and I'm not trying to take it in somewhere and spend lots of money.
Hi, so my driver side door refuses to open. My lock and unlock work and my passenger side door opens as well. No matter if I try opening from the inside or outside it doesn't open. I also would try taking my panel off but it doesn't seem possible without my door opening. Can you someone help me...