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  1. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    New looks what ya guys think ?
  2. JodonAccord

    front upper control arm camber kit

    What size are your rims I got the same and they stick out a lot I need front camber kit to go lower I got wicked on the rear
  3. JodonAccord

    01 - 02 coupe fog lights

    Try the 07 fog light from the accord it looks good but you need to cut the bumper alil to fit it but it looks good
  4. JodonAccord

    6GA Member's Before and Afters

    2 months later TNB
  5. JodonAccord

    BkzTaffeta's 99' Tafetta 4dr UPDATE 12/3/13 PG1

    Re: BkzTaffeta's 99' Tafetta Sedan another UPDATE 6/10/12 pix on pg 12 omggggggggggggggggggggggg im in LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  6. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    Yeah that's what I want to do lower the back some more cuz I really don't like how it looks Was thinking where could I get this done at really like it Saw this car don't know who's the owner but I want to know if those euro r fog light it's a direct fit ? TNB
  7. JodonAccord

    this Legit?

    Would those fit on a coupe 2001 bumper ?I need to know ASAP and thanks !! TNB
  8. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    What you guy I should do next I want the 2002 side skits where could I get them ? TNB
  9. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    I have the coupe hood but haven't put it on I just wanted to know cuz I only could find the sedan bra mask TNB
  10. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    Would a sedan nose mask fit a coupe like I got a coupe CONV I want to know cuz I want a nose mask TNB
  11. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    Thanks and yes I did lol TNB
  12. JodonAccord


    Want******** TNB
  13. JodonAccord


    Sorry to ask this on your tread but I got a coupe front CONV and I was to know it the sedan nose mask fits ???? TNB
  14. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    It's nothing much but it something TNB
  15. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    Uploaded new pictures havent been on this for a min
  16. JodonAccord

    DIY how to make your clock light red in 5min UPDATED PICS

    Re: DIY how to make your clock light red in 5min lmao i thought it was like that too meng you helped me out i never this lights up lml
  17. JodonAccord

    Sneak Peak: My Headlight Mod

    holy***** it looks tuff i want one lol
  18. JodonAccord

    High Mileage 6th Gens

    215k still going hard i take care of my baby lol
  19. JodonAccord

    Rsuave24's Accord (PHOTO ownage)

    Re: My 2000 Accord EX (Updated) fking clean accord bro
  20. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    hey i want to know like i got a v6 what i need to i want to make 6speed i just need to but the tranny or i need to swap the whole engine?
  21. JodonAccord

    FS: 99 Honda Accord EX

    bumppppp freshhhhhhhhhh
  22. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    yeah im checking that out of the venza rims and im going to paint the car again thinking about it
  23. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    yeah it is and it runs good too and thanks
  24. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    lmaoo:lawl: WHITE in the movement right now lol:beer:
  25. JodonAccord

    Myfirst 6th gen accord

    sh!t that suck i want to paint my car white but i think it going to cost alot to do that