Well-Known Member

I'm sorry fellow 6thgens, I got a Bimmer convertible instead. I wish they made a rear wheel drive Accord convertible coupe.

After hail damage, I repainted my coupe, and am trying to sell it.

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so you had two 6thgens? crashed the sedan and now selling the coupe?
i say sell the coupe, and bimmer and buy a E46 M3.
Car looks nice, Ci ftw. Get rid of that chrome door molding though.
And your wife is suppose to drive the minivan.
that sucks.
why is this in members rides?
You'd take a Z3 over an s2k just because of headlights...?I love the S2000's quality, but I just don't like the head lights as much as the Z3.
lolwut?Plus the Z3 is designed by a Japanese guy. Most BMW's are designed by the same Japanese guy I think.