Well if your wear is extreme, then spending 200.00 to fix it is alot cheaper than spending 550-600 on tires once a year, but like so many have stated on here u dont need to do it, heck i dont have it done and im dropped like 2.5, but i keep up on my tire rotation, and alignment specs on a regular basis. And if u were around here where i am, i offer free alignments to all 6g members, .....also ask a shop to do an alignment check for u and tell them u want a print out on the specs, if they do it post them up and we will be able to tell u if u r in the extreme area or not, if u r around 2-2.5 degrees in the neg u r cool, after 3 degrees u r going to start chewin up tires..... but im just tryin to help bro.....good luck man.....