Amp paired with what sub?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
Hey guys,

So I've been thinking about upgrading my subs in my trunk for quite sometime now and I'm in need of some assistance. I'm no pro at audio, so this is where you guys come in! Haha, or at least assistance. :thumbsup:

Anyways, I currently own a Pioneer GM5000t amp. Here's the exact model and specs:

* Specifications
* Peak Music Power 760 Watts
* Number of Channels 2
* Load Impedance Capability 2~8 Ohm (Stereo), 4~8 Ohm (Bridged)
* Continuous Power (4 ohm) 125W x 2
* Continuous Power (2 ohm) 190W x 2
* Continuous Power Bridged (4 ohm) 380W x 1

I'm not much of an audiophile, but I could use some help. I own 2 12" Pioneer subs that run at 150W RMS (I think) and I've been wanting to switch to a single 12" sub to save some trunk space. So my question is: What would be a good sub to pair with this amp for a decent price and is it safe to have a lower RMS on a sub paired with an amp that has a higher RMS or what? I'm a little lost at what I'm trying to explain, but assistance will definitely be a plus. Thank you in advance, as always! :hihi:

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
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be like it is
you would want the amp to have more power, since the amp wont have to work as hard.

since you're going for space savings, i'm assuming a sealed box? budget?

the phoenix gold rsd12 immediately springs into my mind (i have the 10" version).
RE SRX 12 (dual 2 ohm)

380w really isn't that much to work with. i have a 400w amp powering a 350w speaker and i want more power.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
Oh, sounds good. I didn't know that! So you'd want the Amp to have a higher RMS so it would have to work less with a sub that has a lower RMS? Okay, makes sense. And yeah, sealed was what I was going for.

I don't have a set budget in mind, but I don't really plan on spending too much on subs because I'd rather spend it on other things, haha.

I'm also a little confused about the whole Ohm kinda ordeal. When reading about it, my amp says 4Ohm. So would I just look for a sub with 4Ohm also?

Thanks again with the responses!

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
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be like it is
yeah, higher rms for the amp. when you install an amp, youre supposed to start with the gain all the down anyway ;)

for impedance, you'd want to look for a "single 4 ohm" voice coil or "dual 2 ohm" voicecoils. the single 4 is just a "straight" connection while the dual 2 would require about a foot of extra wire. but it's not hard, and dont worry about it unless you find a sub you want thats dual 2. (too bad your amp cant handle 2 sub for sale would be perfect for you.)

you missed the rsd deal during the mine for $45 shipped :lawl: whoa, its back up at $43! might have to get another :hide: still, the 12" is not bad even at $93

pick these up if you ever decide to move that pioneer up to run the front stage and get a different sub amp ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
Oh man! I totally remember that post about the Phoenix Golds being 43$! :skurred:

I totally slept on that!!! Ahhh, regrets. Oh well. Anyways, the PGs look really great and they apparently pair pretty well with my amp. (right?)

I have a question though. Will this outperform my two 12"s in my trunk SPL wise? And how will it sound SQ wise? I'm really considering those Phoenix Golds now, gahhh! :ughrun:

Is there any other subs out there that you'd recommend? The Phoenix Golds seem extremely tempting!

Again, THANK YOU for the responses, I'm learning a lot. :bowdown:

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
be like it is
the RSd's came to mind since they're relatively low-power subs which make them a good match for around 400 watts.

spl wise...the 2 subs might be a little louder. sq wise...i'd take the RSd over cheap Pioneers (used to have one, back in the day). the install matters the most out of any of the factors, really.

the RSd's like to dig deep, thats for sure. not a ton of "kick" but they play low.

other subs on a short list would be the RE SE, JL W3, and maybe the Image Dynamics Q (aka IDQ). the ID might be a little expensive.

i went from a W3, to the RSd, and next on my list will be an RE SE/SRX/ thats how i roll. the RE SE are mostly sq-oriented, though. the other RE's can get expensive and need more power.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
Oh wow! Yeah, those subs are definitely out there.. They look great, but the price is definitely not within budget. So the Phoenix Golds have some smooth bass? I think the Phoenix Golds are definitely within site! And since I'm going sealed.. what enclosure do you think would best suit it? I read 0.78-1.20 cu. ft. is best. Does it matter if I get the smaller size. Or what would give me the best out of the sub? Sealed, of course.

Thanks again and again, :D

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
be like it is
ive had mine since the end of june, and its not bad. if you want smoother bass out of it, you'll have to be prepared to have a larger box. one guy on DIYMA is going to use a 12" in a 1.8 cu ft box.

i haven't modeled it personally...but from experience, take their "optimal" number then either add about .5 cu ft to the box or use lots of polyfill in the "optimal" enclosure. mine is right about .5 with lots of polyfill inside, but that was the first box i built and was too rigid with outside dimensions.

for the 12, i would go with a 1.2 cu ft enclosure and add polyfill for better sound or add some wood inside for more output. or keep it as-built if it sounds good.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Oakley, CA
Alrighty, sounds good to me! I guess I will be taking a look around for some 1.2cu. ft. enclosures. Thanks a lot!