ryan s
they dont think it
i'll have to do some digging later and find the bagged pics. my accord pic folder is organized by gen but the pics are just dumped into each model 

yes that his car
and yes im not a big fan of his wheels
i liked it when it was baged with c5s
yall have to remember when people are looking at keith's car all they see is drop, wheels, lip kit, and bike rack which isnt anything special (and yes i like keith's car)
also i dont know why people are talking about tein's accord he half *** put his car together i guess bc keith and tien both have 4dr white accord
PS kids dont forget go low or go home
just curious but what are your measurements from a level floor to your fender/wheel wells ...
to be honest i like teins wheels..those used to be one of my favorite set a few years ago and i used to want them...so i guess they will always have a place in my heart
like ryan i have tons of pics of accords..but i think they are on my really old laptop that probably doesn't work anymore
That pic was storen from keith.I ****ing LOVE this pic.........don't know why....