^ Once again thanks Chris!
I am digging the pedals as well.
I appreciate the photos man,but what the hell is that in his glove box?!?!
Might just go the whole MoMo route now..wheels,shifter,pedals and whatever else I can find.
It's not like MoMo is a bad company that makes crappy products.
I like the gated shifter but it seems a little difficult to install. If you don't do it right it doesn't sit flat. It's probably not that noticeable but i'm a stickler for perfection.
I had a top-button knob on my 4G and loved it at first but eventually grew to hate it. I missed the OEM style knob so I wasn't quick to mess with the one in my 6G.
I feel ya though. I want something different but being so picky thins out my options, lol.
^ thanks Mikey.
I don't know how I missed that thread but I am not really a fan of the leather wrapped oem style though. Since I don't have any leather in the car right now I don't want just the shifter to be the only thing. I am thinking of the MoMo design more though.
Thanks again guys for the info..now it's just a matter of finding a deal on the MoMo shifter and pedals together unless I can find something better before then.
Also thinking of plastidipping the console and the ac control bezel with the black then adding the glossifer to give it a better look.
^what the h e l l
That is insane. Especially the length. But I guess that's what all the girls say right.
You really should get a new Headunit...
I tried to contact accord2show to see if he would sell his stuff but it's going to stay on the car. Onto start the hunt.
Yea it's extreme man. I like it and I get a lot of haters from it. I guess an extended shifter if usually reserved for manual guys so since mine is auto I get flack. I'm gonna bedline the shaft and speckle the grenade with colors. I put a dowel rod through the hollow shaft that is actually spring loaded. That way, my locking mechanism for the gears still works. I just push down on the grenade and pull/push in and out of park. You'll see Chris.. You'll see