Don't get it. It's bent in the middle. They didn't let the bumper hang when it was curing, so the bumper sat on the lip while it was on the ground, and so the lip is bent. They send it in a thin box with it even more bent up, and expect you to heat it up to try to bend it back into shape. It doesn't follow the lines of the bottom of the oem bumper like the oem lip. I'd rather get the oem fiberglass lip. Even polyurethane breaks if it gets it, so might as well get the fiberglass. I'm thinking about getting one, and then making a mold out of it and making a polyurethane one.
poly is way better than any other material you can buy especially if it's going to be so low to the ground like that. one mis-judged dip and you'll be crying. yea, it eventually will break or crack but takes a hell of a lot longer than fiberglass or abs.
Mine has slight fitment issues I am trying to figure out. Not sure if it is the lip or my fault. The problem is minor though. You can see it in the thread linked above.