So i just recently finish porting my f23a4 head and i new to know where i can get a better camshaft or use a different oem shaft to get better air flow?
Those ports look horrible, everything should be a smooth transition, no rough or sharp edges, exhaust side should be as smooth as possible with the intake side being slightly rougher. You've got ridges and rough spots everywhere that I can see
Check bisimoto for cams, but defiently clean those ports some more. If necessary take it to a machine shop shouldnt cost too much just have it smooth out.
So i need to leave the intake side rough, why?
Is upgrading cam alone good or shaft alone better? i know both is better but im on a budget and i can i bore out the throttle body and manifold?
You want the intake side slightly rough so it creates turbulence if i remember right going into the combustion chamber. The exhaust ports smooth so spent gases leave quickly. I believe you can upgrade to a f23a1 cam/ecu to upgrade to the f23a1 specs from your a4 spec motor. (Its been awhile but i think that was the only difference between the motor a1= economy/minimal power as a4=economy/low emissions)
Im pretty sure any f series (sohc cams only) swap in but i dont believe you will see any to minimal gains from it besides the a1 cam upgrade (even that really aint worth it)
As for what ecu that would depend on your goals: stay odb2 if all your planning is bolt ons it would be cheaper (no cost for tuning)
I would go odb1 such as p28 if your planning to upgrade to say a bismoto cam so you can max gains with tuning. Those cams are designed to increase horsepower verus all stock cams for the f series for fuel economy.
Lastly i wouldnt attempt to just regrind the cam lobes as their is alot that goes into a cams design, if your going for power and want the most for your port job spend the money you saved on the bisimoto cam upgrade. He knows the f series better than most so this has been put into his cam designs.
Hope this helps you a bit, very cool to see you putting in the diy into mods! Good luck keep us updated.
also check out afaccord post on the bisimoto cam testing, depending on the dyno, with his mods he obtained 169-189whp. Which is great compared to stock whp. Its a good read and might help guide you.