Okay so I replaced the battery because it was old from 2010 and I got it tested from autozone it wasnt good. I have the big 3 upgrade so I changed the terminals I had this before my batter went bad car worked just fine. Its not the starter cause I changed that little less than a year ago. Its makes like a clunk clunk sound but never even tries to start. I had this issue months ago but it went away my cousin told me it had something to do with my viper alarm I dont have a remote start alarm but I check online and it turns out that the relays go bad on them so I looked up online there is a way you can bypass the relay by connecting a 14 gauge wire in the where one end on each big wire of the relay.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBZmwZW1ePE&feature=share&list=PL2B2614A0731F2F91 <this is the video. It still did not work when this happened to me a neighboor who is a crook said Ill fix for $50 and all he did was look under the steering moved something and turned the key it started now I am just assuming it has something to do with this. It can still be the alternator or starter. However I have tried jumping the car and it still doesnt turn on. Please help 6thgen brothers!!
I drive a 2000 accord lx 4cyl
I drive a 2000 accord lx 4cyl