Snail Spools You!
Hey Angel, which color LED strips did you get, the white or the blue ones? Just want to confirm.
The LEDs I used are the flexible LED strips from Oznium:
I wasnt sure if the 9.5 inch ones were long enough so I bought the 20" inch ones and cut them. Make sure when you cut them, that you cut 3 LEDs at a time(cut 3,6,9,etc LEDS at a time, not like 4, 7, or whatever).
Hey Angel, which color LED strips did you get, the white or the blue ones? Just want to confirm.
dont buy the amber strip though (behind the stock amber reflector, it will appear orange, I think knightryder from did this but not sure) he did get yellow led strip and behind the stock reflector, matched the parking bulb 100%
of course you could just remove the reflector and put in an amber led strip (but not sure how amber it will turn out to be)
I also would like to do something like this (white leds though) eventually