Large Member
Welcome to 6GA's Eighth Official Photography Contest.
Please read the following post in it's entirety as in contains all the information you will need regarding this contest. By submitting a photograph you agree to all of the following.
Please read the following post in it's entirety as in contains all the information you will need regarding this contest. By submitting a photograph you agree to all of the following.
TOPIC: Candid
This is a broad topic so be creative.The photo must Candid and not setup. I reserve the right to reject any photo that is not appropriate.
Here is a description from Wikipedia:
Candid photography is best described as un-posed and unplanned, immediate and unobtrusive. This is in contrast to classic photography, which includes aspects such as carefully staged portrait photography, landscape photography or object photography. Candid photography catches moments of life from immersion in it.
Candid photography is opposite to the stalking involved in animal photography, sports photography or photographic journalistic intrusion, which all have a focus on getting distant objects photographed, e.g. by using telephoto lenses. Candid photography's setup includes a photographer who is there with the "subjects" to be photographed, close, and not hidden. People photographed on candid shots either ignore or accept the close presence of the photographer's camera without posing.
The events documented are often private, they involve people in close relation to something they do, or they involve people's relation to each other. Candids are the kinds of pictures taken at children's birthday parties and on Christmas morning, opening the presents; the pictures a wedding photographer takes at the reception, of people dancing, eating, and socializing with other guests.
As an art form
Some professional photographers develop candid photography into an art form. Henri Cartier-Bresson might be considered the master of the art of candid photography, capturing the "decisive moment" in everyday life over a span of several decades. Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee, was one of the great photographers to document life in the streets of New York to often capture life — and death — at their rawest edges. Almost all successful photographers in the field of candid photography master the art of making people relax and feel at ease around the camera, they master the art of blending in at parties, of finding acceptance despite an obvious intrusive element - the camera. This is certainly true for most celebrity photographers, such as René Burri, Raeburn Flerlage or Murray Garrett.
It could be argued that candid photography is the purest form of photojournalism. There is a fine line between photojournalism and candid photography, a line that was blurred by photographers such as Bresson and Weegee. Photojournalism often sets out to tell a story in images, whereas candid photography simply captures people living an event.
* Your photograph cannot exceed 800 pixels in either height or width.
* Signatures, name, initials & watermarks are NOT allowed on your photograph. It will be disqualified.
* You cannot discuss your photograph in this thread.
* You may only enter one photograph. So be certain the one you submit is the one you want.
* Post processing will be allowed. Remember though post processing does not always help.
* You may not vote if you enter the contest! New Rule!
1. Email your photograph to: [email protected]
2. Put in the subject line: 6GA Photo contest '09 - Candid
3. Be sure to include your 6thgenaccord.com user name in the email. If you do not provide your user name your entry will be rejected.
Your entry MUST be received by the end of April 30th 2009. Any entry dated after April 30th will be rejected.
Voting will begin May 1st 2009
Voting will end May 3rd 2009
If you have ANY questions regarding this contest please post in this thread.