Cops are Haters.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
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Even after I started following the speed limits more (paying your own insurance gets expensive after getting tickets, just not worth it!), the cops still looked for any reason to pull me over whenever I drove a modified car. Last summer I got 3 no insurance tickets even after showing proof, was followed around town a couple times, constantly got pulled over for the stupidest things.
So if you think they really are profiling you, start following the laws more and see if you still get pulled over a lot, because I'm sure lots of people get pulled over when a cop sees them going 15 over...


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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Huntington Beach, CA
sell your hot rod and pick one of these up.



Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
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Los Angeles
IDK why your state laws are like but my legal limit for tint is 35% fronts, unltd for the rears. I have 15% all the way around, have for a few years now and I've never been stopped strictly for my tint. Ever. And I live in small town America.

I have an exhaust, dark tint, stickers, HIDs, and I drive 8-10 over. In the 3 years with this car, I've been stopped twice; both times for admitted speeding. My last car, a modified 4GA(tint, exhaust, wheels, etc) and in the 5 years I had it, I was stopped 3x, all for admitted speeding.

I've never just been stopped. The only time I was, the cop said it was for sitting at a stop sign too long and I could see his point, it probably looked like I was waiting for him to go by. My insurance card was expired, my insurance was not, so I was ticketed but not fined.

Stop breaking the damn law and you'll stop being "profiled".

California law is no tint in the front and unlimited rear. With most of my encounters, most of them have asked the same type of questions such as "Is this your car; Are you on probation; Do you have any tattoos?" Therefore, I do believe the cops around here profile to a certain degree. While others simply ask to see my license & registration, get it checked out, and move on.

And was your last sentence directed at me or the OP? :eh:


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Middle America
California law is no tint in the front and unlimited rear. With most of my encounters, most of them have asked the same type of questions such as "Is this your car; Are you on probation; Do you have any tattoos?" Therefore, I do believe the cops around here profile to a certain degree. While others simply ask to see my license & registration, get it checked out, and move on.

And was your last sentence directed at me or the OP? :eh:
At OP. And you're in Cali so I could see why they'd ask if it was your car, etc. I guess I could even see why they'd stop you for tint. Emissions laws are bad enough, lol.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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California law is no tint in the front and unlimited rear. With most of my encounters, most of them have asked the same type of questions such as "Is this your car; Are you on probation; Do you have any tattoos?" Therefore, I do believe the cops around here profile to a certain degree. While others simply ask to see my license & registration, get it checked out, and move on.

And was your last sentence directed at me or the OP? :eh:

actually the legal tint level in cali is, 70% in front and as dark as your heart desires in the back, and you can have a 4inch thick tint in the front windshield as dark as you want. and there are ways to have unlimited tint all the way around, all you need to do is get a dr.'s note saying that you have a skin condition that requires you to have extra protection from the sun. like in my case, i have eczema so i have limo tint in the front and rear and all i have to do is keep my dr.'s note in myglove box. and actually in the 3 years ive had it tinted that dark ive never been pulled over for it. but then again my car isent moded on the exterior.

heres the link where i got my info, and it shows the legal levels nation wide.

and also it helps to know your rights. if a cop was to pull me over and start a fishing expedition by asking Bull$hit questions i would simply say "unless i am under suspison for committing a crime and or if i broke a traffic law, that i will be on my way". that has always worked for me, because they know that if you have enough brass in your pants to say that to there face you must have some sort of knowledge of the law. cops take advantage of the fact that most people are stupid and will allow them selves to be railroaded.
dont ever forget that cops work for us, we dont work for them, thats why theres laws and thats why we dont have to take there $hit as law abiding tax paying citizens.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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and there are ways to have unlimited tint all the way around, all you need to do is get a dr.'s note saying that you have a skin condition that requires you to have extra protection from the sun. like in my case, i have eczema so i have limo tint in the front and rear and all i have to do is keep my dr.'s note in myglove box. and actually in the 3 years ive had it tinted that dark ive never been pulled over for it. but then again my car isent moded on the exterior.
I remember one time the window film shop told me that I can have my tinted windshield prescribed by eye doctors.

and also it helps to know your rights. if a cop was to pull me over and start a fishing expedition by asking Bull$hit questions i would simply say "unless i am under suspison for committing a crime and or if i broke a traffic law, that i will be on my way". that has always worked for me, because they know that if you have enough brass in your pants to say that to there face you must have some sort of knowledge of the law. cops take advantage of the fact that most people are stupid and will allow them selves to be railroaded.
dont ever forget that cops work for us, we dont work for them, thats why theres laws and thats why we dont have to take there $hit as law abiding tax paying citizens.
Not that I get pulled over often, but I'll be sure to memorize this phrase. This is good to know. Thanks. Do you eat pork meat btw? J/K lol.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2010
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and also it helps to know your rights. if a cop was to pull me over and start a fishing expedition by asking Bull$hit questions i would simply say "unless i am under suspison for committing a crime and or if i broke a traffic law, that i will be on my way". that has always worked for me, because they know that if you have enough brass in your pants to say that to there face you must have some sort of knowledge of the law. cops take advantage of the fact that most people are stupid and will allow them selves to be railroaded.
dont ever forget that cops work for us, we dont work for them, thats why theres laws and thats why we dont have to take there $hit as law abiding tax paying citizens.

"I do not consent to searches of my person and property."

is the standard line.

Usually followed by "Am I being detained under the suspicion of committing a crime?"

which is usually followed by
"So I'm free to go then?"
If the answer is yes, off in less than 10 minutes.
If the answer is no:
"May I speak to your supervisor?"
followed by
"I need to call my lawyer"

They cannot detain you for a mere traffic citation. get your ticket and be on your way, you don't have to wait for the dog or anything else.


6GA Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2011
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I use to think the same way when I was younger (I'm now 36) and for the most part, I agree with you. There's a lot of small di(k insecurity and overcompensating going on, that's for sure, however, just as with any profession, there's good ones and bad ones.

My driving history is full of traffic violations, and during those times the cops can be complete a$$holes, particularly, when they try to intimidate you. However, the past 3 times they've been more understanding.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Your "Whispering Eye"
To the OP and the guy who posted above me, maybe they wouldn't be jerks to you if you followed the law...don't project your inability to follow simple rules of the road onto them.

If you don't give cops a reason to be suspicious or to pull you over, they won't.