Originally Posted by AllGOnoSHOW View Post
yawn, don't you have anything better to do... and I think you're the one that needs the Rehab, not me
Denial's a ***** eh. Now, go continue to play your video games, live with your parents, and work a minimum wage job (if you even have one) while I go continue on with College, race in the SCCA, have fun with my family, and enjoy life .
You sir are what we call an internet COWARD, and a coward at life. Hell if I were you I'd be smoking pot also. Anything to take me away from the misery of my own life. You should try Oxycotin, start with 2 80's maybe it will allow your "parents" some relief. .
Here's the deal, give me your name and number, once I graduate college and have a stable and worthwhile career in the design field I will give you a good recommendation as the paper towel / slash janitor, that is if you don't smoke yourself stupid by then / overdose on alcohol .
and the only sticker is the one about running your car instead of your keyboard, which perfectly describes little guys like you lol
now run along little kiddie!