You would probably want to go to LA The metro bus/subway takes you just about all the touristy spots. For about 7 plus or minus 2 dollars for a day pass.
go to In-N-out burgers. Get the number 1. which is a double double combo. make it animal style (they add pickles if you like them and grill your patty with mustard). You can request how rare your patty wants to be if you would like. Make sure your burger is with grilled onions or grilled whole onions but of course if you like raw onions just say with onions or both raw and grilled lol. Make your fries Animal style (with cheese, spread, and grilled onions) If you like your fries super crispy ask for your fries well done. (regular fries will go soggy fast but it is still good). Of course it comes with a drink. It is soda on default you can upgrade it to a shake.
If you are working out and don't want carbs, ask for it to be protein style (wrapped with lettuce).
Or if you are just lazy, Just say can i have a number 1. lol