Long story sorry
What started this mod was that my radiator had a crack on the top plastic part and was leaking coolant
so I like to upgrade when ever there's a chance so I did. Drove the car with a cracked rad for like 3-4 weeks while I was doing research. So as we all they're aren't any 2 row aluminum radiators made for our cars (V6) kept searching for a while hoping something would pop out but nothing did other than the CSF radiator after 2 weeks of searching I had two options either get the CSF or customize the 94-97 accord radiator but I didn't want to spend to much on a radiator reason why I kept searching for a cheaper one to pop up but no luck. So during my search on this site I came across BlackDeathV6BG's Part out and I picked up 2 Mishimoto slim fans and black OBX hoses. Now with the hoses I didn't want to make it useless by not using them since its also an upgrade. With the 94-97 rad I would have to use another hose for the bottom one since its on the opposite side. So then I thought my only choice is getting the CSF so I went for it then they tell me that they don't have them anymore
back to search. During my search I kept coming across the radiators for a 03-07 accords V6 I kept looking and size is the same except its one inch shorter which is no big deal the connections for the hose were in almost similar place as ours so I took a risk and ordered one from eBay it's a 2 row aluminum radiator price was 130 shipped and man was shipping fast.
Mods needed so it can work,
Longer overflow hose (red lil hose in my car) it faces opposite side
Trim the top hose a lil bit the connection is more straight aligned
Flip radiator stays since its a bit shorter or u can make ur own
So instead of __ u will do this__
The brackets sit just like the old ones
Mishi fans installed on radiator

The top hose is more straight forward than curved like before easy fix just by trimming it the bottom one no need to modify fits perfect

Radiator stay is flipped so it can reach the stud this is just temporary I will be getting BWRs stay which are thinner and nicer lol

Radiator installed sits nice and even not low and not high

The red hose is for the overflow tank u will need to get a longer one since it faces the opposite side notice how the radiator sits evenly with the front support
Now just add coolant and
What started this mod was that my radiator had a crack on the top plastic part and was leaking coolant

Mods needed so it can work,
Longer overflow hose (red lil hose in my car) it faces opposite side
Trim the top hose a lil bit the connection is more straight aligned
Flip radiator stays since its a bit shorter or u can make ur own
So instead of __ u will do this__
The brackets sit just like the old ones
Mishi fans installed on radiator

The top hose is more straight forward than curved like before easy fix just by trimming it the bottom one no need to modify fits perfect

Radiator stay is flipped so it can reach the stud this is just temporary I will be getting BWRs stay which are thinner and nicer lol

Radiator installed sits nice and even not low and not high

The red hose is for the overflow tank u will need to get a longer one since it faces the opposite side notice how the radiator sits evenly with the front support

Now just add coolant and

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