Thanks... I sure will
i also sanded it down to bare metal
i used high temp primer
the primer is still intact no bare metal showing just the color and the clear have chip
Well it seems that you did everything right, or at least used the right stuff. Theres no way to tell for sure. It could simply be a bad batch of rattle cans that you got. It happens sometimes. I'd just start over... at least you have the primer on there still.
It looks great for a rattle can job, but dont u think with all the time money and effort that its better to rent or borrow a compressor and paint gun?
Its really not that much compared to the rental price at the rate im doing this. I dont want to pay to rent the equip every week. That doesnt make sense to do at this time. And no, the paint wont chip, as long as it was properly surface prepped.