OK im Allan from Houston im 22 ive been coming to this site 18 watching admiring the work others do so impressed and wowed ang wrk all you. When in senior year 2009 my mom gifted me my first car, 1999 Accord Sedan LX F23a1 Vtec. To be honest i was a muscle car lover. Dreamed of a chevelle and or charger well still do but i hated my Honda. I didnt know what to do with an accord let alone a sedan. Then i found you guys over time memories and adventures made me love this car. I wrecked her after a party hitting a 5th gen (totaled) but i only lost my front bumper lol their built tough. Then stolen, and then again, third time they wrecked it, lost hope for it but i love her too much, so replaced her fenders, bumpers, headlights, radiator, and blown engine for another F23a1. and shes back. Now shes a frankenstein not painted yet still fixing her mechanics but ive made up my mind and keeping her so i registered.
As what ive done to her not much very small details but i love em.... shes green so all green led's on the odometer and center dash and radio but bright white led's on the doors and mirrors on the visor, prelude shifter with the boot and 5th gen square shift knob (LOVE IT), freebies for rims dont even know what they are, as i saw in the forums in the DIY here OEM CAI lol, and the other general small stuff aftermarket radio cheap one from best buy as constant theivery lost my double dins, locks broken working on that they lut when i use the switch to lock the doors i manually have too push too down or they stay unloked, black housed head lights, painted red calipers, v6 brake calipers waiting on my prelude disks and ss lines, had to replace driver upper ball joint, need new wheel bearing working on that today so put the spare so my tire ware is less, oil change every 5k, transmission every 10k shes over 200k but no problems suprisingly if she goes out or when she does i will go for 5 speed swap or go crazy for 6, dont know exactky which engine to pick or if i stay with my 4 banger, want to drop her 2inches, debating wether to take of spoiler, interested in coupe hood and bumper, civic fogs, just saw the tl dash swap considering it, want nrg, viper alarm most definetly and gas pump killswitch, but first i want to get her mechanically up and painted one solid color, ive been watching the forum for a long time and all of these things come from you guys thanks for making me fall in love with my beauty and i cant give up on her....i am on budget but shes worth it i know a lot of $$$ will be used but scrrew it thug-life
As what ive done to her not much very small details but i love em.... shes green so all green led's on the odometer and center dash and radio but bright white led's on the doors and mirrors on the visor, prelude shifter with the boot and 5th gen square shift knob (LOVE IT), freebies for rims dont even know what they are, as i saw in the forums in the DIY here OEM CAI lol, and the other general small stuff aftermarket radio cheap one from best buy as constant theivery lost my double dins, locks broken working on that they lut when i use the switch to lock the doors i manually have too push too down or they stay unloked, black housed head lights, painted red calipers, v6 brake calipers waiting on my prelude disks and ss lines, had to replace driver upper ball joint, need new wheel bearing working on that today so put the spare so my tire ware is less, oil change every 5k, transmission every 10k shes over 200k but no problems suprisingly if she goes out or when she does i will go for 5 speed swap or go crazy for 6, dont know exactky which engine to pick or if i stay with my 4 banger, want to drop her 2inches, debating wether to take of spoiler, interested in coupe hood and bumper, civic fogs, just saw the tl dash swap considering it, want nrg, viper alarm most definetly and gas pump killswitch, but first i want to get her mechanically up and painted one solid color, ive been watching the forum for a long time and all of these things come from you guys thanks for making me fall in love with my beauty and i cant give up on her....i am on budget but shes worth it i know a lot of $$$ will be used but scrrew it thug-life