I am getting a new skin designed for 6htGenAccord.com that will have your accords in it. If you are interested in having your car shown in the header image of this site, post up at least 2 pictures of your accord within in this thread. Here are some important things that need to happen with your pics.
Post the up here in this thread. If you have any questions, please ask.
- Make sure that the car is not blocked by anything, people, trees, dogs, and so on.
- The whole car needs to be in the picture. Make sure its not cut out of the shot as just the front part of the car is shown. It needs to show the whole car.
- It has to be a clear, not blurred, quality shot. No altered photos. It doesn't have to be a professional shot, but just make sure its clean.
Post the up here in this thread. If you have any questions, please ask.