Hey guys so its time for a new setup I guess I was drunk lastnight and I basically turned the bass level up too high...I blew my rear speakers they still play but you can hear they have a tear in them. So I am hear to find out what you guys reccomend. Basically I have two DB drive okur amps 1500 for highs and a monoblock 1200 watt for subs.. My subs are fine!!!! The speakers I have now are loud!!!! They are O2 oxygen speakers better than emenense speakers but they can not handle any type of bass at all!!!! So Im thinking JL audio c2 all the way around just because its a good brand but maybe some of you audio heads can steer me into a good direction thanks!!
Here are my preferences Loud and something that can handle bass... So I can play some dubstep
... lol
Here are my preferences Loud and something that can handle bass... So I can play some dubstep