This is a common lament on
every online forum, regardless of its specialty. Activity waxes and wanes; knowledgeable folks come and go; posts languish or inspire discourse; people contribute or find interest elsewhere... etc etc. My point: the reasons forum activity varies are many, legitimate, and a consequence of a variety of circumstances.
That said, don't ignore this simple fact: There may no longer be a need for a forum dedicated to the venerable, aged 6th-gen Accord.
If 6thgenaccord is genuinely experiencing a lull (the site admin has empirical data to validate this perception), it has company:
ETCG used to be
the defacto Honda forum and stomping ground of Honda techs;
V6performance was an
awesome resource for engine whatnots; and
Honda-Tech was the
superlative wellspring of remedy for all manner of gremlins across every Honda make, model and generation. While these forums remain active, the perceived
activity as well as the
quality of participation have seemingly gone stagnant.
There really isn't much 6thgenaccord or
any a forum can do to spur, build and maintain activity amongst an inherently transient, faceless community. If your perception of the this forum is moribund, have a plaintive sigh and post your issue within the handful of other Honda-centric forums. That's what I do.