I'll tell the whole story to you guys: Blame if you like.
On my way to work (about 70% way there) I saw a car crash at this intersection (something like one was going straight while the other was trying to make a left turn from the other street) that I went around and said "woah damn" and kept driving....Moments later I drive up this hill then down. Its a 3 lane street and the 3rd lane to the left is closed for construction so everyone is trying to change into my line, the 2nd one (middle). I was driving around 30MPH and all a sudden I see that crowd of cars, I looked up at the glaring sun and this black Nissan maxima just stops and I was braking and braked HARD...then...boom!!! My front end took the whole beating...I tried to recover from my shock for that half a second/minute and just saw that nissan drove off FAST..(in my mind..F***!!!!!) So I started up my car again (its stick shift so It did stall..) pull to the right side and called my dad.. He was mad/worried/concerned. so I pulled into the plaza (a few feet in front of me) and called my boss to say I was going to be late..
So I drove to work with that busted front end..and my boss and co-workers asked if I was alright, of course I say yes..and they took a look at the damage and an hour later EVERYONE wondered WTF happened. I told the story at least 5 times in 2 hours...They did blame on me but mostly helped me cover my *** by telling me call the police and my insurance agency..
So the sheriff came to talk to me but couldn't do anything since the 2nd party (nissan) took off so there were no evidence.. All that officer can do is take down my info and keep it in case something comes up.
I called my insurance agent and told the same story but she couldn't do anything either because I don't have proof that I got hit. My car had no deducible..its not even covered (I only have the basic essentials just to get by)..since its a 10+ year old car, its not even worth it...(As for my other cars in my family 07 Honda 08 and 09 Hyundai, yeah my parents pay extra for their coverage)..
I went to the Honda dealer this afternoon after my work to get an estimate on my damage and they quoted me....$5,654.44 including everything....I was like OMFG?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O and thats ALL OEM Honda parts, its a honest quote. If I went Aftermarket It would probably be $3,500-4,000 which is STILL too much..

!!!!!! PLUS I still needed to get a new clutch and shocks, which is another $1400+
Its a gonner...yet I still have to drive it to work, since its my main source of transportation..
Im only 21, so yeah....I learned my lesson.
My Parents are mad but they forgive me now..There gonna help me get a new car (which I'll start a new thread)..
If I do buy a new car, I'll craigs list my old ride for $1,000 with a perfectly fine F23A4, but we'll see.
But I would like to thank everyone's suggestions and thoughts.