With the location of the actual superspeedway there is not a good place to meet near it. It really it out in the middle of nowhere. So no places to set as a destination except for the superspeedway itself. It is about 8 miles or so off the interstate. There are a few warehouses off some of the random exits but I don't know which ones or what they are called
Well poo. Hopefully we can come up with some kind of plan. Maybe we can all just get there at our own pace and then once everyone arrives we can leave the meet for an hour, eat, and take pictures.
i mean for meeting purposes, the speedway outter track ( the one you drive around to get in) would be the easiest for everyone to find. We could just pull off on the side.. Its like a four lane road. Then once everyone is there we could go wherever before we pay to get in and whatnot.
well i was hoping we could drive down some of those winding roads
Since chicago is a grid, when i see a winding road, i like to corner it hard.
thats what she said haha