here they go:
theres all different colors, too. i knew i saw them somewhere. it was also the first result on google. i thought i had seen them somwhere when i was looking for a mount kit for my head unit.
unless you get shallow mount speakers, you might want to invest in these. i tried to fit mb quart rce 216s in the doors, and ill have to cut out the back of the weather shield and the back of the speaker grille, and then they MIGHT fit. i might have to get these if i cant make enough space in the door. mb quart dua's should fit since they are shallow mount. by the way, mb quarts are raw imo.
speakers are put that low so that they can be angled upwards, creating a higher soundstage. it also (and more importantly) creates a more equal length from the passenger speaker to your ear, and from the drivers side speaker to your ear. so instead of the speakers pointing to your legs, they are pointing at your ears. its the same principle of sitting in the exact middle of a home theater system. the speakers should be at eye level, pointed at you, and you should be an equal distance from each. in the car, its not possible, but the kick panels try to do it.
if youre like me and youre set on a pair of speakers that wont fit, go for the kick panels if you dont mind losing some foot space. or buy a shallow mount speaker set and buy an amp for em instead. im going to try to mod the door and get my mb's in there and buy an amp. otherwise...i will answer the call of the kick panels.
you can have them custom made, but that might cost you more than the $150 crutchfield wants. do some more research as far as kick panels and speakers go. also, im going to put my tweeters in the dash where the stock ones are no matter what, just because i like the sound of a high front stage. sorry for being a little long winded, but did i miss anything? oh, one more thing. its easier to put dynamat inside the kick panel. and the speaker will be more efficient in there cause it doesnt have to fill up the air space inside the door and then project into the car. thats all ive got tonight.