Well-Known Member
you can also save some money and use a different obd1 ecu. when I ordered my ecu from xenocron I had the option of ordering a non p28 obd1 ecu since we don't HAVE to run a p28 in our cars. I also didn't have to do anything weird to get my temp gauge to work. just used the conversion harness and it all was plug and play (other then the iac wiring of course)
if you wanna pay the extra shipping you can have blacktrax ship the plate to my house and I can ship it to Canada for you. as long as it doesn't cost me anything I'm willing to volunteer my time for a fellow 6ga member
nikita and plenty of others can vouch for my credibility if your worried about anything like that as well.
if you wanna pay the extra shipping you can have blacktrax ship the plate to my house and I can ship it to Canada for you. as long as it doesn't cost me anything I'm willing to volunteer my time for a fellow 6ga member