Richard's '03 CL-S 6MT


Active Member
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
That looks great! It’s giving me motivation to clean up my car that was recently unearthed from my garage.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
That looks great! It’s giving me motivation to clean up my car that was recently unearthed from my garage.
It's hard to start sometimes, but it gets hard to stop, once you start going, right? :lawl:

Decided to renew the 22 year old shifter cable. The cable on the car isn't falling apart or anything right now, but the shifter jerks sometimes when it's shifting to the 4th gear. Was planning on simply getting a new factory cable, but it became discontinued and hard to come by. Then, the one made by Hybrid Racing caught my attention. Their cables seemed to be more performance and sports orientated than the stock ones. The one for the CL had many positive reviews, and the quality of the parts seemed to be exceeding the oem's, so I went on and got one for my X'mas gift lol. Found a nice deal on BF after TG day last year with Heel Toe Performance, but the parts became back-ordered by the production delay lol. I have yet to receive the cable, but it's totally okay with me, since I'm not in rush. I'll probably be getting their short shifter assembly in the future, too, so I can totally wait n take some time to put them on together at once, when the time comes.

Also, I recently discovered a funny design flaw on the interior of this model lol. The driver's seat has the quick-release reclining lever located on the side of the back cushion -- for a rear passenger to get in / out quickly. My Accord coupe's lever is a tiny little piece of hook, but this CL's is like a bear knuckle. And, this thing actually hits the rear passenger's arm rest, when reclined with the max setting lol. One day, I was taking a nap in the car, and later on, I saw a little dent on the arm rest lol. Maxed out the back seat again, and the lever met the dent perfectly lol. I wonder if it's just my CL tho, because the driver's seat floor below is somehow "crushed" by the previous owner(s) lol.

Oh, I also had a chance to remove the haze on the headlight lenses recently, too. I heard some life hack stuff with WD-40, tooth pastes, or bug sprays being effective, but I didn't try any of those lol. I simply used the car stuff by Maguire's with my electric orbiter. Sry, no pic this time, but I swear they're crystal clear now!

Thanks for checking, and I hope this year will be a good one for y'all! :peace:
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