Superman, uh mod
It hasn't passed committee yet but it could.. call your reps! This will tax you based on engine displacement and CO2 emisions and be PER YEAR. Bills/6900.pdf
1.9L and Below $0
2.0L to 2.9L $70
3.0L to 3.9L $225
4.0L to 4.9L $275
5.0L to 5.9L $325
6.0L to 7.9L $400
8.0L and above $600 Bills/6900.pdf
1.9L and Below $0
2.0L to 2.9L $70
3.0L to 3.9L $225
4.0L to 4.9L $275
5.0L to 5.9L $325
6.0L to 7.9L $400
8.0L and above $600