Cops are Haters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2012
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Weatherford, TX
Ever since I started to do things to my car, I've noticed an increase in attention from many people, mostly cops though. But what can you do? To be honest, I'm definitely in the wrong, I like to drive fast, sue me. I received my first ticket in January, right after I got new headlights, for doing 79 in a 65. Second ticket was issued in April, shortly after I put a few stickers on my window, for doing 65 in a 40. For my birthday/graduation presents I got some coilovers, and I got my third ticket yesterday, just one day after I lowered my car, for doing 49 in a 30.

I lawyered up after the second one to keep from losing my license or having my insurance drop me, since the court wouldn't let me get it deferred. My lawyer thinks they can probably get this last one dismissed because the cop that pulled me over told me he clocked me at 40 coming around the curve, then put 49 on the ticket. I honestly thought the speed limit on that street was 35, so I was going 35 and let it coast down the last hill and around the curve on the street, and the cop was sitting right around the curve and lit me up. When he came to my window he asked the usual questions, do you know why I pulled you over?, Why were you going so fast?, then he asked me if I knew that the speed limit was 30, and I really didn't. He told me he clocked me at 40, went to his car, came back about ten minutes later and told me the ticket was for going 19 over the posted speed limit. I wasn't really thinking about it or I would've asked him to show me the radar.

While he was in his car he made a phone call to somebody, then on my way home, I took a different street (making sure to go the speed limit posted) and I passed a cop, who promptly pulled out behind me and followed me all the way home and parked down the street facing my house.

Does anybody else get profiled in a similar manner?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2008
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Once you start modding, cops will start profiling you first. I got pulled over last year while I was going the speed limit on my street right before I was going to turn into my driveway. I asked the cop why he pulled me over, he told me it was because "my car looked suspicious". He just checked my record and let me go. However, it was still annoying.

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
be like it is
79 in a 65
65 in a 40
49 in a 30
i bet if you were driving a stock accord all the cops would let you go 14-19 over the limit without harassment. when you put your next modification on, be sure to go at least 15 over so youll be positive the brand new mod is at fault.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
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Los Angeles
I've been pulled over 30 or 31 times and most, if not all, were because of the appearance of my car. They say it's because of my tint but I really think they just want to pull me over to see if I'm a troublemaker or something. On top of that, I drive like a grandma so speeding isn't something I worry about when they pull me over. And out of all those times, I only received 1 fix it ticket *knock on wood* probably because my record is squeaky clean. I've been lucky this year though, I haven't been hassled.

I guess it's the price we pay for driving custom Hondas.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2012
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Weatherford, TX
I got pulled over right after I pulled out of my driveway about 2 weeks ago because my car matched the description of a vehicle the neighbors complained about. And I had a cop follow me all the way to work last week, keeping his distance thinking I wouldn't notice him. I made a few turns to see if he was actually following me or just going the same direction, and he was still there... even after I made a full circle.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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Cops nowdays mostly use laser guns rather than radar. The spectrum of its laser is stable regardless of a distance from a target, and it calculates your speed in a second. There's almost no time to pull the brake to drop your speed, even if a detector signals you getting laser.

Maybe you should get a laser jammer, which doesn't allow cops to calculate your speed.

Brimstone Brown

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2012
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Sac city ca
I get messed with by police regularly. It's annoying because I'm never doing anything illegal.They usually make up some BS for why they stopped me. I try to be friendly but also make sure that they understand that I know my rights. This usually works in my favor but if the cop is really out of line I'll fish out my lawyers card and tell them to get a warrant. They don't much care for that response but I don't much care for being harassed by bored cops.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
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Los Angeles
If your car already draws so much attention, try to do things that will minimize that unwanted attention as much as possible. Examples: stop driving so damn fast or use your turn signals when turning or switching lanes even when there are no cars around. They will find any reason/excuse to pull you over.

Right now, based on what you've told us, you just seem like a stereotypical Honda driver, tbh. You're making yourself too easy of a target out on the streets.

Chris Vu

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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Honestly, my car is waaaay more "modified" than yours, and I NEVER get picked on. When I had an exhaust I got pulled over twice. Just don't drive like a damn retard and you'll be fine. I drive what .. 60-65mph on the freeway and always obey speed limit signs, and I'm fine. Let's not even mention that both me, and Davis (truWarier02) live in Socal ..

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