How can we get 6thgen more activity?


Fearless Leader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2011
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What do you think we should be doing to get more activity back to 6thgen? Mass emails, contest, what do you all think?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Both this site and have been dead for years now. Over on V6P, there are only 2 long time members who will respond to posts on occasion...myself and ScottWax (now a Moderator).

Most of this new generation of kids buying these old accords for beaters and cheap reliable cars don't seem to really use websites anymore. They are on the so called "Social Media" sites...right?

I don't like it either but that is the way it is now. It was great while it lasted.


Save the manuals
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Fawking, OH
Between this car itself which was never a super popular platform to begin with, and the modern day existence of social media, unfortunately this place really died down. Really the forum website format in general has taken a major blow, which sucks because personally I hate social media and much prefer forums. Information is way better organized and discoverable here than, say, a Facebook group. And generally I find the caliber of human beings on forums to be higher tier than social media :lawl:. But admittedly it's easier to post photos and videos on social media, and everyone loves to show off pointless pictures of their boring life to get reactions to make them feel "important". Especially since younger people practically seem to be living their lives on the internet, most of them have probably never even heard of forums. :ugh:

Anyway, if you want to maybe keep more of the people that are still here now, I'd eliminate the things that make using the site more cumbersome than it needs to be. For example there have been a couple members posting about why they cannot edit the first post in their members ride thread and they have gone unanswered. I also was messaging back with you and Griffin I think it was, and the conversation just stopped? Not mad or anything, but this site had that functionality since it started and never caused any major issues, and people were used to that convenience and then it just went away. Just not doing ourselves any favors there. The Cadillac site I am on also used to not let you edit 1st posts after some period of time passed, but at some point they changed that and you can edit posts from any time now. Again, I have not seen this cause issues.

This place was hopping when I joined in 2008, and stayed that way for many years. It was great while it lasted, like Wheeelman said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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A) I think we should limit the number of pages that can be viewed as a guest. I recall V6P forum does that, and that limitation actually motivated me to become a member, in order to source out more info from them iirc. I became a member up here eventually, but it's still surprising to me that this forum doesn't have that restriction. Thus, anyone can source out our info pretty much indefinitely without becoming a registered member as of now. In fact, I still see a handful of non-bot visitors looking around our pages for hours everyday. Our cars are old. They can be reliable, but there can be many mechanical problems. I'm sure there are plenty of 6gen owners out there now that are still trying to get that reliability by sourcing out their solutions to the common problems on our cars that were discussed million times. Right now, they just come and go away, quickly, quietly, and anonymously. We have tons of info unlike the social media's. The amount of the info is our strength. If we limit the viewing counts, I'm sure those visitors will eventually wanting to be a registered member to complete their researches more efficiently, and eventually be able to interact with us.

B) I also think some one needs to terminate the limitation parameters of our post editing function. Member's Ride Thread & For Sale Thread have been affected heavily, and I'm sure many people have lost their interests in keeping up with their original posts, ever since the big change happened in this website about 4 years ago. Honestly, if I could edit my original posts on my ride thread at anytime, I would visit this website WAY more frequently than now haha.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2016
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What do you think we should be doing to get more activity back to 6thgen? Mass emails, contest, what do you all think?
Might as well call this mission accomplished, lol. Been almost 5 years since we sold the old CG5 for a pos Nissan. Emails did work, as other forums such as,,, etc., do send mass emails, and I normally get those.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2015
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This is a common lament on every online forum, regardless of its specialty. Activity waxes and wanes; knowledgeable folks come and go; posts languish or inspire discourse; people contribute or find interest elsewhere... etc etc. My point: the reasons forum activity varies are many, legitimate, and a consequence of a variety of circumstances.

That said, don't ignore this simple fact: There may no longer be a need for a forum dedicated to the venerable, aged 6th-gen Accord.

If 6thgenaccord is genuinely experiencing a lull (the site admin has empirical data to validate this perception), it has company: ETCG used to be the defacto Honda forum and stomping ground of Honda techs; V6performance was an awesome resource for engine whatnots; and Honda-Tech was the superlative wellspring of remedy for all manner of gremlins across every Honda make, model and generation. While these forums remain active, the perceived activity as well as the quality of participation have seemingly gone stagnant.

There really isn't much 6thgenaccord or any a forum can do to spur, build and maintain activity amongst an inherently transient, faceless community. If your perception of the this forum is moribund, have a plaintive sigh and post your issue within the handful of other Honda-centric forums. That's what I do.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Where rusted out cars don't exist
Between this car itself which was never a super popular platform to begin with

I'd beg to differ. I still see 6GAs all over the place.

My other car, 1997 Thunderbird, you literally never see those on the roads anymore. That was an unpopular car. The main forum for it is a mainly the same 10 guys, myself included.


Save the manuals
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Fawking, OH
I'd beg to differ. I still see 6GAs all over the place.
I meant relative to platforms people modified/built on. Compared to the Civic, Integra, Impreza, 240SX, etc the 6GA community was abysmal. I went to Import Alliance for many years and the only people that had 6GA's were members from here that I went with haha. Even then there were only like 6 of us.

But yes as just a typical car owner's commuter car (people who don't mod cars), there were many 6GA's of course. Though if you still see many around on the roads that's amazing, I literally hardly ever see any. And if I do see one, I wish I hadn't. :lawl: