My system rundown for Hush.... :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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hey NINaudio would you get rainbow coaxial speakers?? rainbow is better then most brands out there for coaxial speakers. not as good as MB qurts Q series, haha i wish i ahd money for it. but yah i wanted to get comps for a while but now i changed my mind and i was going to get coaxials, would you say yay or nay? i know the SQ won't be as good as comps but i don't want to deal with cutting into the door to stick in tweeters or find a place for the crossovers. so im doing the most simple thing and just get rainbow coaxials. give me your thoughts on it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2005
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Personally, I'll never do coax's again, but that's just me. If you're not an SQ nut, coax's should suit you just fine. Rainbow has a good reputation as far as I know, but I've never had the chance to listen to them. Did you give them a listen? If so, what'd you think?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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i liked the comps a lot more then coaxials, i mean A LOT more. i'm pretty picky when it comes to SQ but right now i'm kinda pissed cuz my ballast got wet and it shorted so i HAVE to buy another ballast of take everything out, go back to stock and look for someone that wants an already retrofitted 6th gen head lights with bulbs and one ballast and harness. but i dunno i found a guy that would sell me a ballast. the rainbow comps are 180 and the coaxials are 120, not a big jump in price. lol i asked the guy about the MB qurts Q series and he said it would be 900 bucks. lol i think i had a heart attack when i heard the price. haha my new set up would be a diamond audio D3 4channel amp thats 400 watts, my IDQ10 sub and either rainbow or ED 6000 speakers. the ED6500 sound the ****. i just finished installing it for him and OMG it sounds crazy. even with the door closed you can hear the lyrics from down the street. the ED6000 should be almost up there too with the 6500. the ED speaker is 150 shipped and i was planning on getting that but the rainbow is only 30 more bucks and i can just get it and install asap. or i geet the coax for 120. but i can't pick all of them sound pretty good to me. if i had money i'd get the same speaker as my friend but i don't have 250 to spend on just speakers. i still need to go buy a new headunit, i hate mine. i bought it with out thinking cuz it was cheap. i was thinking between the CDA 9835 or the 9855. the best bang for the buck would be the ED6000, but eh i don't want to sit around waiting for it in the mail. but it does sound crazy. o yah and the car is fully sound deaden and you can still hear the music from down the street windows up. if you ever plan on deadening the whole car like we did for him, set aside of atlest 3 to 5 days, we took a week on his car cuz he's a little girl about it. he kept changing his mind about how much mat he wanted to use. today should be the last day of working on his car, cuz we didn't have a dremel to cut the wholes in the door for his tweeters. but yah what do you think? go with rainbow speakers comps or coax.... or go with the ED6000 speakers.

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
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be like it is
Hush said:
lol i asked the guy about the MB qurts Q series and he said it would be 900 bucks. lol i think i had a heart attack when i heard the price.
yeah, those are the top of the line. my rce comps were $171 shipped from ebay, from a seller ive bought from before and he actually gave me a free upgrade on my head unit. my mb's are $400 speakers...and ca&e gave them a great review, and theres at least one car a month in the mag with this very set, so theyve got to have something going on. ill tell you all how they sound when (if) i put em in (if they fit). ive only heard whispers about rainbow stuff, so go with the sound you like the most.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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which MBs did you get the one they where selling at the audio store was the TOP of the line MBs it was the Q series. its nuts how good the sound.

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
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be like it is
Hush said:
which MBs did you get the one they where selling at the audio store was the TOP of the line MBs it was the Q series. its nuts how good the sound.
if i remember right, from top to bottom, it goes QSD, QSC (new), Premium series, Reference series, then Discus series. tell you what, even the discus series sound amazing. check out their website if you want to read more about their engineering oh, by the way, you can click the "english" tab near the top right for the US site. im a german major, so i can understand it either way:D

cha ching: i love this magazine so i get it every month
I FORGOT: the rce 216 set can be configured for coax mode. it has a removable center thingy, so you can run the tweeter wire through it and it comes with a tweeter mount that screws into the center. yeah, the crossover is huge, but theres a spot for em in the doors if you do a little cutting, which i plan to do haha. and nothings really as expensive as morel sets--$500 tweeters and $1800 component sets:eek:, but they are possibly the best in the world for the car environment.

Sketch o5

Señor Greengo
Sep 6, 2005
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alright, i thought i would ask this here really quick, haha, cuz its not worth starting a new thread over, unless one of you guys want to for info purposes. but anyway, whats the difference between SQ and that other one, haha, i cant think of it right now. like basics, no need to get all into stuff for a simple question. all ive ever really known is a sub adds massive ammounts of bass if in a proper box, haha, thats about it. oh yea, i also know stock paper cones suck as5, haha.

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
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be like it is
Sketch o5 said:
alright, i thought i would ask this here really quick, haha, cuz its not worth starting a new thread over, unless one of you guys want to for info purposes. but anyway, whats the difference between SQ and that other one, haha, i cant think of it right now. like basics, no need to get all into stuff for a simple question. all ive ever really known is a sub adds massive ammounts of bass if in a proper box, haha, thats about it. oh yea, i also know stock paper cones suck as5, haha.
quickest explantion: SQ (sound quality) is trying to make a balanced, incredible sounding system. not too much bass, not too much mids, proper imaging, etc. SPL (sound pressure level) is making the loudest bass possible, usually tuned for one frequency, especially for competitions. some stereos are referred to as SQ when they have a modest sub setup, and (usually) theres more emphasis on the lyrics and tonal quality of the speakers. also, more money is spent on making the system work together than making it set off car alarms. SPL systems are the ones with $2000 worth of subs and amps in the trunk, while running stock speakers, for example. they only care about loud bass, usually overpowering the vocals. if you have more subs than speakers, you have an SPL system. or if you subs get exponentially more power than your speakers...


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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yah what ryan said. i want SQ cuz i don't like hitting hecka hard bass. but with a little playing around with the amp you can turn an SQ set up into a SPL set up not that hard. just turn down the power and gain on the fronts and turn the gain and add a little more power into the sub and you have a SPL set up. haha SPL set up are mostly for people that listen to alot of hip hop and rap all the time and just want pure bass. SQ is for people that listen to, pretty much everything else. i hate it when i ride in my friend's car, he always has to retune his speakers when we go from rock to hip hop. we're really picky about sound when we are in his car. i wish i had the OLD OLD kicker amps that had a gain control that you can wire up in the cab. those were the kick *** amps back in the day. also when your doing SQ set ups, you need the right amp. some amps are made for all power like my friends soundstrem, the newer ones from frys. it was 400 watt amp for only 80 bucks.... no tone in the bass it couldn't go as low as i would like it. so i told him to change over to kicker. kicker is a pretty good SQ amp for the price. but yah i pretty much made up my mind on getting comp rainbow speakers and a daimond amp.