Repair side mirror


Jul 24, 2015
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Only my second post, but thought maybe I can contribute some for a starter. Just got a 2002 Accord EX Coupe with the 2.3L VTEC. Bought it as a first car for my daughter and I'm going to have a hard time letter her take the keys from me once she is ready. LOL

It appears to be dealer kept, excellent condition mechanically, maybe a 7/10 exterior with 8/10 interior. Anyways... now to get to the point.

The driver side mirror didn't work. The glass was there and the motor worked, but the attachments for the drive posts were broken. The mirror was just flopping, with no way to adjust it into a useful position.

I searched around a bunch but all advise suggested replacing the entire unit. I though this was silly, and also didn't want to hassle with getting one and then having to have it painted to match the silver paint. Replacement glass from on Honda is about $40 and the attachments for the drive posts are about $12 each.

I visiited two "pick a part" junk yards in my area in search of the replacement glass and attachments for the drive posts. I was looking for any model Accord that had the right glass. At the second junk yard I lucked out. They had a 2002 Coupe in their premium lot and it had the driver side mirror (the car was red in case that matters). I carefully pulled from the top of the glass mirror to pop it free from the center and two drive posts. The attachments for the drive posts came off with the glass mirror just as I had hoped they would.

$2 entry fee for the first junk yard
$2 entry fee for the second junk yard
$2.50 for a cold Gatorade (much needed after hunting in the heat)
$7 for the mirror with the attachment points connected.

Put it on right there in the parking lot. Cleaned it. And drove home with a $12.50 repair. Chaaaa Chinnnngggg!!!
