led instrument cluster?


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2006
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Ok guys I know that their is probably is a diy for this but I could not find it. I will like to convert my instrument lights to blue led but I have no Idea how to do it. Can some one help me please? Can some one explain to me how to do it and what I need to buy and around how much would it cost to do?

Sketch o5

Señor Greengo
Sep 6, 2005
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sorta, i changed the bulbs with other bulbs, just different color. i used green bulbs.


to get the cluster out, its like one of those really easy things to do, once youve already experienced how to take it out and such. when i first tried taking mine out, i think i actually tried twice before i got it out, but yea, it took me a couple times cuz its a pain in the *** at the start, a little.

-you unscrew the screws at the top of the culster bezel
-you have to pull back on that bezel so that the two clips at the bottom of the actual gauge cluster will unclip (theyre the pain in the *** part)
-then you unscrew the screws at the top of the cluster piece (theyre like the bezel screws at the top) and you also unscrew the screws at the bottom of the cluster
-you pull it foward a little, and then you try to rotate it with the gauge faces pointing down
-then push it back a little and then you can unclip the clips at the top of the cluster
-after its all unclipped, you can pull it out and change out the bulbs on the back. the bigger black sockets (i guess you could call them that) are the ones that light up the faces and the needles. theirs 2 small ones for the temp gauge.

i used bulbs cuz they disperse the light better, and plus i already had them laying around and wanted to see if it would work. hope it works out for ya.

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