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  • Appreciate the link to the jack, thanks Kel. I will have to measure my car and see is I could use it from the front as well. Not a huge deal if I can't, but it would be helpful if I can use it on all sides of the car. Great price and it actually comes in a colour I like! :lawl:
    Well the day after I installed it, it rained and the passenger side did fog up, but after 2 days it dried up. I just did not have the time to cover up the back of the bulb the same day. As you know all OEM headlight bulbs have a rubber gasket, but these HID bulbs do not. I am pretty sure that is where the water came from. I cover the back of the bulb and have not had any fogging after that (any it rained many times and I pressure washed at the car wash 2 times already)
    Yes Maxima corner bulbs goes in from the underneath, BUT, I used the stock corner bulbs the Accord came with. I used the outer corner lens only from the Maxima (not the whole body). I made a cardboard template and then cut them out using my dremel. Then I used epoxy to glue them in place. Then I used those rubber edge protectors around to hide the cutting imperfections.
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