Just let me know when your ready and we can get the alignment done. For 5th gens my prefered website is hondasociety.com Its a little harsh but stick around and you can learn a lot. What cars are you looking at?
oh u trying to buy that planet audio? i have it it u wanna buy it...i barely bought it like a month or 2...i let it go for 70 or 90 with the schoche 6gauge wires..
Yeaish lol. I never got my confrimation email so I couldn't make a profile. But I'm in there all the time. Ill try to make another one but if you need help selling something tony is the man. DatboiT
damn i havent been on here for awhile..my bad bro...probably already got it aligned but yea i did mine at school. I heard some firestone got in ground alignment but frogt which location...