Who'd be interested in a Switchblade key made for the 6gens?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Hayward, CA
MODS: close this thread, read the last post of mine in here, this is NOT going to happen anymore :(

i was reading a thread over in the 7th gen section of v6p and they were using a custom made item for the 7th gen keys which they bought on ebay that allowed them to have a switchblade key while simply swaping out the internals of their stock remotes into the case of the new remote (along with the immobilizer chip in the key).

this is the item on ebay made for the 7th gens... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...20261873472&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:MOTORS:1123
as you can see, its simply an empty case with a blank key in it.

i just started talking with the seller about possibly making a switchblade key for us and he said he's willing to do it as long as he can get a used remote from one of us so that he can design the case. i just started talking with him so please be patient. as far as the cost, im assuming he'll charge the same amount as the 7th gen keys he's making.

I am in NO-WAY affliated with this guy, i simply asked a simple question and am just relaying the information here.

stay tuned for more info....

The seller is watching this thread so if you're interested in one of these PLEASE post so that he can SEE how many people are interested. He wont know you're interested if you dont post!


Ok, for those of you who want a better clarification of how this will work. The seller will hopefully create a custom housing for our factory remotes. his item comes with only an EMPTY housing and a blank, uncut key. THATS IT! The rest is up to you.

I'm going to try to explain it as best i can:

this is what the factory keyless entry fob looks like, if you have an aftermarket system or anything else, im sorry but you're out of luck.

when you pry open the remote, this is what the inside looks like...

as you can see, the "brains" of the remote are easily removable, as are the actual buttons which are on the left, both of those items will be pulled out of this stock remote and transferred into the new switchblade.

here are my factory keys... on the right is the untouched key, on the left is the other key where i cut off the black plastic housing using a razor blade and some patience! and yes, you NEED to cut open one of the keys. or you could try and buy a key from ebay with another chip and go to your dealer or find some instructions somewhere on how to program additional immobilizer chips into your current system... i dont know how, maybe someone else does.

once the key is opened up, you can pop out the plastic inside, and you'll see that inside a tiny tube in that plastic piece is your immobilizer chip, looks like a tiny narrow pill, be careful with that, you break it = you need a new key.

technically all you need is the pill shaped chip and put that into your new switchblade, but depending on how the final switchblade looks, you may have room to put the whole thing with the plastic protector inside... we'll see IF we ever get this thing made.

the rest of the pics are for the seller to look at so he can get an idea of the size of the internals, everything is in mm.





if you stilllllllllll dont understand how this is going to work, somebody else needs to help you because i dont know any other way to explain it.

People Interested:

  1. KnightRyder (possibly 2)
  2. 99cfENVYv6
  3. aznartist34
  4. ace1105
  5. madaccord
  6. 3macsandapc
  7. chiefy
  8. blackaccord
  9. capnff
  10. pquintal323 (possibly 2)
  11. fluidjay
  12. LAMP_MAN
  13. jegz2k7
  14. slowaccord

  1. Sakuradrops808B
  2. henreeezy xp
  3. LoveLee
  4. goldnknight22
  5. xi0utlawstarix
  6. indowanksta88
  7. blacknight
  8. pyaarawala
  9. islandaccord's
  10. LDawg09
  11. silverbullet2k7
  12. deucescorner
  13. pattywak
  14. st3b0
  15. accordman1
  16. iROYAL
  17. talontsiawd
  18. j30A1
  19. nexTOme
  20. ryan s

  1. reydio

spread the word to other accord sites and let me know so i can include them in this list.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Hayward, CA
step up and say something guys, the seller is watching this thread and will only make these things if he sees enough interest!

this is the ONLY thing i've seen like this for the 6th gen, dont let it slip out of your hands now that you have a chance of it happening!

last year i tried the 07 tl key fob conversion and physically i was able to make it work with the car, but the remote portion did not program with the 6th gen keyless entry part so the project was useless but now we have the opportunity to get this made to fit the internals of our stock remotes and have a switchblade key of our own!!!

If you visit other accord forums (98-02 accords only) PLEASE spread the word and PM me the link to the thread so that i can send the link to the seller so he can see how many people across how many forums are intersted in this thing!


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2006
Reaction score
Carlsbad / Costa Mesa
highly interested! i have been wanting to this for a while, but i have only seen 7thgen guys be successful with this project, i would like this available for the 6thgenners as well.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Hayward, CA
thats good guys, keep em coming...

dont get your hopes up though until the seller says yes because ultimately, the decision is his on whether or not he see's enough potential sales to cover cost of making these.

and as i get more info from him, i will update you guys.