Rant: when parents are wrong about things


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Hagerstown, MD
in my house hold we have 3 cars, 1998 chrysler cirrus lxi v6 auto, 2002 ford ranger xlt 4 cyl 5 spd, and our 2002 honda accord se sedan.

ill start with the chrysler. i got this car in jan 04 with 6K mi on it from my great aunt who had just stopped driving. my parents told me it was MY car until it died. 9 mo and 7k mi later i got my ticket and my mom wanted to put a FEW miles on it driving to work and back because i wasnt driving for a while. fast forward to now. the car is STILL being driven by her to work and it now has 93K mi on it. EVERY system, aside from oil, in the car either needs fluids replaced and/or flushed. when we took it in at the 60K mi service in june 06 they told my parents the rotors were WARPED, they had been like that when i got the car, my parents were telling me i was full of crap because "the car has only 6000mi on it". also the way my dad drives he pulses the gas on then off which you can feel when you are riding with him. this has led to him hitting the gas in the middle of a shift, sometimes just a little sometimes flooring it onto the interstate. now the car shifts hard at random and the torque converter slips gears sometimes by letting the engine over rev from 500-1500 rpms. last thing for this car, when it was time to replace the tires they asked me which ones to buy, i wrote down the exact price, brand, model, size and even the wal mart stock number, yes we buy tires at wal mart. when they get back 4 hrs later they bought tires that were more expensive and worse in general. here are the reasons why they were worse than the ones i specified 1) the grip was less, 2) the price which they complained about, 3) going around turns even at normal driving speeds the sidewalls give and flex which makes the back end wag or in some cases the front sidewalls hold then give which snaps the back end around which is not remedied by the flexing sidewalls of the rear tires and 4) they told me they bought these instead of the ones i wrote down because the wal mart associate said they were better.

next up is the ranger. when one of the tires was losing air, my dad checked the manual for tire pressure. 1 month earlier when they bought the truck in apr 04 i told them to have the dealer trade manuals because we had one for f350-550 not for a ranger. my parents said they wont do that because "They didn't notice right away so they'll charge us for it". when my dad put air in the tire, he put in 90 LBS of air. the tire is only rated for 40 psi max. the only other thing with the truck is the cd player is out of alignment so sometimes it plays sometimes it doesn't, they deem this an unnecessary fix because my dad doesnt use it and they dont understand that going from the chrysler with a tape adapter or the accord with a cd player that works is very annoying when the ranger doesnt even have a tape deck, just radio.

now its time for the accord. im going to list the problems in order oldest to newest and then address each one. 1) transmission problem like the chrysler, 2) bent rim/tire problem 3) brakes and 4) services.

the transmission problem is a result of my dad driving the car from july 03 to sept 04, it is of the same type as the chrysler but worse because it has less power. in this case the hard shifts are 2-3 and 3-4 because most of the speeds he drives to work are from 35-50 mph.

the bent rim is from when he was driving back from one of my sisters soccer games 25 mi away in sept 03. on the interstate he had a blowout at 70. he got off the interstate fine but drove 5 mi on the flat, he could have driven 1.5 mi to the honda dealership and called from there or even had it fixed. anyways wal mart didnt notice the flat spot on the rim, big surprise there. it wasnt until july 05 that it became really apparent, by this time we had all 4 tires from wal mart, which were the ones that i had told them to buy. in july we had an alignment done because there was a wiggle in the steering. this is when we found out there was a flat spot. my parents blame it on me doing donuts in the mud in our yard, wtf? the tire on that rim was cupped and the other front tire was messed up because there was never enough air in it. anyways a year later in july 06, right before my parents were about to call honda to buy the $450 se rim, see singular, i told them that my boss was selling his ex rims and tires from the factory for $350. he bought his accord new and put rims and tires on it after he bought it. when we bought his rims and tires, he drove them so little they still have the nubs and all the stickers on them from the factory. to sum this part up it took me a month to convince them to buy from him because he wasn't a reputable dealer, just my manager, plus i think they were a little leary of him because he was black. (for the record i am not at all racist, if i have used the wrong name in this case let me know, i hope i havent offened anybody).

during the summer of 05 i worked at our local benz dealership and i drove the accord to work. we had the 60k mi service done at this time which found the above problem i found out that my parents had been told 6 months earlier to replace the brakes. when spring began in 05 i had been telling my parents every week that the brakes needed checked but once again they told me i was wrong and didnt know anything. when they replaced the rotors and pads, honda said that the pads were on the backing pieces and the rotors were past the point of resurfacing.

the last thing is that the only regular maintenance that my parents do to any of the cars is oil changes. the accord has only had its 60k mi service and right now it has 100669 mi on it, the truck has 51526 mi on it and it hasnt had any services and the chrysler has 93851 mi and its only had the 60k mi service.

too sum this all up my parents dont care as much as they should for the cars they drive and they blame every single problem on me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Gates, OR
Don't let them touch another car. I would seriously just let it all go. When all the cars break down and no one has a ride then maybe they will pull their heads out of their asses.

ryan s

they dont think it
Dec 27, 2005
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be like it is
that sounds just like my dad...dont fix it until its completely fuxored and fubared.

when i tell him i change my oil every 3 months/3000 miles (whichever comes first you know ;) ) he laughs and says, "the elantra's got like 4500 miles on the last oil change," or "i havent changed the vans oil since last august." last time i was home, i told him that if i dont change my oil, my car will stop revving over 4000rpm...it will just stop. he had such a surprised look on his face :rofl:

and this coming from a mechanical engineer :rolleyes:

highway patrol: your dad sounds just like my buddies dad. he wouldnt let me take the cd player out of his old car (which i put in lmao). even funnier part: he had a spirit, i had an acclaim...i could take out the head unit in less than 2 minutes :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Hagerstown, MD
note: this whole thread is a way to vent for me its the only way i know how without flipping. im the "quiet" guy who is a "good listener" to his friends girlfriends. the worst part is at the worst time in my life i say myself not making it past my senior year, you all know what i mean, but i have and now its just stress, from parents, to the point where i become physically sick.

this may make me sound a little spoiled but they pay for my college and since i failed2 classes all they say is are you going to class or are you going to fail again and never graduate college. if you ask any of my friends they'll tell you that my parents are a little warped.

to shaved: yeah i should let it all god but im trying to at least get a car not necessarily my car but a car out of this mess.

the worst part is that they are telling my sister that she doesnt have to get a job when she starts driving because she has too much other stuff to do wheras they told me that i had to get a job as soon as i started driving because i have to pay for everything i do. they give her $20 whenever she goes out with friends, im lucky if i get money when they drive the car i put gas in. they also buy her anything when she wants it, example she broke her headphones 3 times all those times they bought her new ones, when she broke mine my parents told me its my problem even though she took them out of my room when i wasnt there. she can do anything and say anything. she called my mom a b**** to her face and didnt get anything, when i said what the h*** 2 sec later i got reamed. she also came home drunk when she was 15 and she says i go out drinking when im out late when i really dd. (another long story)

my mom also told me to quit fedex after ive only been there 5 weeks because my schedule isnt "normal", i told her normal is realtive and walked away to avoid yelling (another long story)

sorry if i sound like a little b**** but i have to vent somewhere and my friend who i normally talk to is away at college

also im the kind of person that if this annoys everybody tell me to my face because i hate it when people avoid and/or try to sugar coat things that annoy them about me. maybe its because i was picked on until high school idk but anyways im waiting for the day when my sister really messes up, starting with my parents computer (another long story)


Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2005
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So is the accord yours are you all just kinda "share" them? If I were you, I'd either have the accord put in your name or save up to buy your own car and leave the accord for your sister or something.

My advice, if they're not gonna listen to you, stop telling them. Eventually you'll ween yourself from it and you'll be a happier person. If they haven't learned a lesson by now, they will soon. One of my ex's dad used to brake like your dad drives, talk about annoying.

I gotta say my parents kinda have the same mentality about car maintenance.


nadeshiko fobz ftw..
Sep 19, 2005
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if they're paying for everything, let them decide.... if the motor blows up on either car, just laught at them and tell them "i told u so".... tht's what i tell my friends who don't listen to me and ended up having to pay for a more expensive repair lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
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yea dude. dont voice any input. get your own ride, and let them blow out their cars and do whatever. just don't let them touch your new ride =]


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Hagerstown, MD
So I can't seem to win. I was gonna go play some CSS or DOD with my friends James and Matt but after having to listen to my mom, all I can really think about is sleeping until she goes to bed then leave for work. Then when I come home from work, start cleaning my room while making noise so she can't complain about my messy room. I'm at a loss for what I should do because all they ask me now is if I'm going to fail at everything I do. This is also in conjunction with the tranny problem.

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