Update on my car: well supposedly the car runs fine now. i left my car in socal so the mechanic could fix it and came up to nor cal (6hr drive) with my parents van which actually hauls *** for school. i go back in 2 weeks to see what he did with the lines. also i dont think the mechanic knows about the spacer in the firewall so should i take it apart and put the spacer or leave it be?
The top. I want to screw in the top bolt, I'm on my phone I don't have a computer to draw something but you can use chido's drawing if u see His he made a bracket to secure his top bolt... But I am trying to just drill it to the metal above it
actually my dad penetrated a screw to the top of the metal. idk how far he went but i know it wasnt that far in, the screw was super long though cuz it is pretty far. yeah its a fix but its kind of ghetto lol ima try to secure it like chido has it and make a bracket for it.