How many amps is the OEM Alternator, and can I get a bigger one that will no burn out the electrical system?
the accord alt is 90amps and the odyssey alt is 130 amps, some may be 105 amps. theres a seller on ebay selling high output alternators for both vehicles. theres a 160amp and 220 amp for the accord and odyssey respectively. it doesn't matter how many amps the alt puts out the car only uses what it needs. you can't fry the electrical unless you have a device trying to pull more than what the power wire can handle. on these cars they use 8 gauge ground wires so there's your answer. the problem with high output alts is that it will strain the engine more esp at idle, more amp output strains the engine, puts a greater load on it. stick to the oem alt amp output unless you really need it for something