Well, I just dove in there, and changed it. Like when I did the return line, I broke the line off at the fitting, and then put a 14mm 6 point socket on it and removed the fitting. This was after removing the 2 bolts at the pump, and 2 others that held the line in place. In fact, just rear of the lower chassis clamp (on the line) is where the rusty pin hole was that causing the mess and loss of fluid. I hosed the entire area down with carb cleaner, as it was pretty saturated with power steering fluid. Re-assembly was done from the middle working the steering rack end first, but this was after I re-installed the pressure switch. Then I fed the line upwards and just let it float there, until I got the fitting into the steering rack. One that was done, I located the upper end to the pump, lubed the "O" ring and inserted it, followed by bolting it down. Then I plugged the wire in, and zip tied it to the hose (just like the factory had done). I then removed the res jug, and cleaned it up and out, as it had some nasty looking crud inside. Then, once that was done it got re-assembled and topped up.